At our May meeting, our net control operators were given certificates of appreciation.

Not shown: Linda KI4RV, Dee N4GD, Leslie WA4EEZ and Bill WZ4GW.
At our May meeting, our net control operators were given certificates of appreciation.
Not shown: Linda KI4RV, Dee N4GD, Leslie WA4EEZ and Bill WZ4GW.
Published in Club Meetings, Operating and Repeaters
Originally licensed as WN2JTL in 1968. License and interest lapsed until 1984 when relicensed as N2ESP. I currently hold an Extra class license and a BSEE from the Florida Institute of Technology. I am past President of the St. Petersburg Amateur Radio Club (SPARC) and trustee of W4TA, the club’s contest station. I’m also a member of Florida Contest Group, an ARRL Volunteer Examiner, member of the ARRL A-1 Operator Club, frustrated DXer, 10-10 member (40586) and charter member of the Radio Shack Battery of the Month Club. Station QTH is a small island (USi: FL285S Coquina Key) on the shores of Tampa Bay (Pinellas County / EL87qr). Station consists of an Elecraft K3/P3 (100W) into a ZeroFive GP-1040 Vertical/Ground Plane or an 80M Horizontal Loop. QSL via LoTW.