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Free DXer Handbook Available

The second edition of Bryce, K7UA’s The New DXer’s Handbook is now available for download at no cost.

Click here to download.

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2015 ARRL RTTY Roundup Result

Ron KP2N reports that the club station exceeded the last few year’s score in this past weekend’s ARRL RTTY Roundup at the W4GAC station. Using the contest callsign W4TA, several RTTY operators activated the club station to compete in this RTTY favorite. Results from this year and a few years past are:


Year     QSOs     Multipliers        Score

2015      1002             115           115,230

2013        939             109           102,351

2012        899              118           106,082

2011       1028            106           108,968

Thanks to all the operators that came down and helped out.


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2015 Dues are Due

Our $15 single / $20 family membership dues have remained the same for years, despite increasing costs. To check your dues payment status, click “Member List” on the menu to the left, then find your call / name. Dates showing 2015 or later indicate you are paid for the upcoming year.

Treasurer Tom, AI4QP is ready to receive your payment, or mail to SPARC, PO Box 2217, St. Petersburg, FL 33731.

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Planning a Weekend General Upgrade Class

Tom Schaefer, NY4I, is coordinating a weekend General Class upgrade class. Note this is NOT an exam cram class. The student is expected to do pre-study (lots of it using the Gordon West book).

You must have a Technician class license to participate.

The date of the workshop is March 14th @ 9:00 AM. This will go all day so plan on until 6:00 PM including the test. The location is DMI Research. Note that you MUST contact Tom Schaefer by January 25th to ensure you can get your … Click for more

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