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440MHz Repeater to require CTCSS (PL) Tone

Due to the severe intermodulation problem experienced by our 440MHz repeater, the engineering team has determined we need to add a Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) to the repeater input. CTCSS, also knows as a Private Line (PL) tone will prevent the repeater from re-transmitting signals that do not contain this tone.

Once activated, all radios desiring to access the SPARC 440MHz repeater MUST transmit a 146.2Hz tone to activate the repeater.

Repeater tone access will be added in the near future, so program your radios now to be ready … Click for more

Noted DX’er and Ham Nation Host Visit SPARC

A few SPARC members has the pleasure of visiting with Jerry, WB9Z and Valerie NV9L over breakfast recently. Jerry has been on numerous DXpeditions, while his fiancée Valerie is a host on the ham radio webcast “Ham Nation.

L to R: Bob, N2ESP; Jerry, WB9Z and Valerie, NV9L

After a filling breakfast, we took our visitors on a tour of W4GAC. There we presented Jerry with a donation from SPARC for the K1N Navassa DXpedition. Jerry was one of the many operators that put this rare entity on … Click for more

Field Day 2015

2015 ARRL Field Day Logo Field Day

The 2015 ARRL Field Day weekend is June 27-28, 2015.

“But, Tom, I’m a new ham and I have never heard of Field Day. What’s that?” I am so glad you asked. Field Day is an amateur radio exercise where we setup temporary antennas in a portable operation to test our ability to create functioning amateur radio stations without using established communication equipment (fixed antennas, stations, etc). This event combines an emergency preparedness exercise with a contest and a fun club outing to spend the weekend hamming.

Yes, … Click for more

General Upgrade Class

On Saturday, March 14th, the long mentioned General One Day Workshop was held at the SPARC clubhouse. This workshop has been in the works for a few months. The following 4 students attended the class:

  • Ray Farmer, KM4GHB
  • Sean Favata, KM4SFF
  • Alfie Shary, KK4MYO
  • Terry Simms, KK4TNA

The 4 students started studying back in January as this was not a cram session. Starting at 8:30 Saturday morning, the students, led by Tom Schaefer, NY4I and his fellow instructors, Kyle N4NSS, and Bob, N2ESP, were well-prepared with all having previously passed … Click for more

Station Maintenance Update

Under the watchful eye of our station trustee, Dave, KR4U, some work occurred this weekend at the SPARC Club Station to support the Remote Station project, On Friday, station engineer John, KI4UIP and Don N4KII ran the rotor line and LAN drop from side one of the room over to the remote side (closest to the window). This allows the main network switch to go to the side that needs more LAN drops. Having the rotor cable allows the Green Heron RT-21 computer-controlled rotor interface to be next to the … Click for more

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