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Field Day – the President’s Perspective

First, I would like to thank our outgoing Field Day Chairman Dave, KR4U for his years of service and many memorable field days. Dave handed over the reins to this year to new chairman, Tom, NY4I. Thanks Tom for organizing a successful event.

In addition to a new chairman, lots of things changed this year’s field day. Our new location at DMI worked out well. While a true field day experience may not be air conditioned, our group has years of experience working under hot, humid, rainy conditions. Another year … Click for more

440MHz Repeater now requires CTCSS (PL) Tone

All radios desiring to access the SPARC 440MHz repeater MUST now transmit a 146.2Hz tone to activate the repeater.

The 2M and 220MHz repeaters do NOT require any tone for access. Please direct any questions to repeater trustee Ron, KP2N.

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Keeping Up with SPARC!

Things are always happening at SPARC. But, how do you hear about them?  Maybe you don’t get to make the 6:30 PM nightly 2-meter net as often as you like (147.060 no tone required, + offset). Well, we have additional ways to keep you in the loop.

SPARC Web Site

The first way is this website. The home page of the website,, always has the latest information about the happenings in the club.

Groups.IO Reflector

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Who will copy the Field Day bulletin?

We still need a volunteer to copy the Field Day Bulletin. This is an easy 100 points.

2015 Field Day Bulletin Schedule
You can copy this from home on Friday night or if you are a purist, from the Field Day site. The radios should be setup by 11:00 AM for the phone bulletin on Saturday if you want to copy it from there.
Again, getting back to the stated purpose of Field Day, imagine we had to setup in the field for a communications emergency. Copy
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Field Day Operating Signup

For your review, here is a link to the sign-up sheet for operating at Field Day.

Note we have three stations: CW Only, CW/SSB/PSK and SSB Only.

The CW/SSB/PSK station will be on whatever mode we have the requisite operators. This way we can keep the station busy.


I will post this sheet at the antenna setup on Friday morning at 10:00 and when we get to the site on Saturday at 9:00 AM. People that attend either setup can sign up at Click for more

Field Day Bonus Points – Chairperson desperately needed

As Field Day gets closer, we still need a person to head up the Bonus Points committee. Again, you DO NOT need to do all these things. You only need to coordinate who is doing them. For example, a satellite contact yields bonus points. Tom, NY4I does that every year—with much help from all— so you only need to check with Tom that he has it covered. Same goes for the NTS messages. Zoltan has helped out in the past sending those. You just need to coordinate this among the … Click for more

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