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Tower Installation Coming Soon

The site behind the DMI Research building where the SPARC station is located is being prepared for the tower. Click on photos to enlarge.

Tower siteA
Silt Fence (required by permit) Protects Grass From Sand

Next step is getting the dirt out that is in the way of the concrete (a.k.a. a BIG hole is needed). White paint marks the spot! The hole will be dug near the building foundation. The tower base will be angled to allow folding over with clearance for the fence and A/C units. John, KI4UIP reports the Click for more

NY4I, Bridge Builder


SPARC member Tom, NY4I has taken responsibility for the bridge program that enables two Radio Contestpopular ham radio programs to share QSO data.

“N1MM” is a popular contesting program that is configurable for competition in most international Radiosport contests. “DXKeeper” is the logging component of a suite of programs known as “DX Labs.” The “bridging” program Tom is working on transfers the QSOs entered in N1MM to DXKeeper in real time. This allows you to update your needed DXCC entities list as you are contesting. The bridge is also compatible … Click for more

May Meeting Program Update

At the May 6th club meeting our program will include several examples of a “Go Box.” These portable communications centers can easily be

Sample Go Box
Sample Go Box

transported by one person, setup quickly and provide communications on different bands and modes during emergencies or other communication events..

Learn about their purpose, capabilities, how to plan and make your own. Our presenters will each demonstrate their own projects. We will hear from: Andy, KI4VOS; Udo, KF4KUL and
Clayton, KJ4RUS. We also plan to fire up some of the equipment as a demonstration.
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Extra Propagation

The SPARC daily net’s Q&A session run by Ed, NZ1Q is moving on to Propagation questions from

Ohm's Law
Ohm’s Law

the Amateur Extra question pool. Ed and his team have just finished running through questions covering the digital modes available to radio amateurs. A question is presented every evening with answer/discussion following at the end of the net.  Those studying for an exam find the material helpful and those licensed long ago learn new material. As an added bonus, occasionally a ham radio trivia question sneaks in, offering some diversity to … Click for more

Net Manager Needed

After many years of dedicated service, Johnnie, W4TSP has decided to step down as SPARC Net Manager as of July 1, 2016. ThaHere's what's happeningnk you Johnnie for all the time you spent keeping the net on the air 7/365.

If you are interested in the position of SPARC Net Manager, please contact Johnnie or Bob, N2ESP. We also have the Wednesday night net controller available for those not interested in a “management” position.

If you are a SPARC Net regular, please consider stepping up to help the club maintain its Click for more

Field Day 2016

By Coy, KK4JMP, Field Day Chairman


Field Day 2016, a local and national amateur radio association promoted by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), as an2016 Field Day Logo educational, radio operating and public relations event where radio operators all over America work and make as many contacts as possible on all amateur radio bands throughout Florida and across the nation and some foreign countries and regions under abnormal conditions and unique radio operating situations. Field Day experiences helps to develop skills among amateur radio operators to meet the challenges of emergency … Click for more

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