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Science Festival a Success

SPARC participated in the St Petersburg Science Festival again this year. The photos below show our hobby can still draw a crowd. Thanks to Leslie, WA4EEZ and Roger, K4SHI for the loan of their HF transceiver and Ron, KP2N for loaning his power supply. Making this effort a success were: Dave, KR4U; John, KI4UIP; Dee, N4GD; Ed NZ1Q; Bob, NB2G and Bob, N2ESP.

John, KI4UIP and Dave, KR4U begin setup of our booth.
Dave, KR4U; John, KI4UIP and Dee, N4GD continue with booth setup.
Our demonstration begins to draw a
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It’s Party Time

Yes, it’s time for an antenna get together.

Tower site B
Current antenna location

The plan is to remove the log periodic antenna from atop the storage containers, followed by the mast, rotator and thrust bearing. If you would like to help (or supervise) in this effort, the party starts at 10:00AM on Saturday (9/8) the day after the next SPARC meeting.

Hope to see you there.


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Tower Installed

Our trusty tower team consisting of John, KI4UIP; Donn, N4KII and Dave KR4U were at it again. Today (9/27) the tower tilt mechanism was mated with the telescoping tower. The tower mounts to the base with two large bolts that also serve as hinges when the tower goes from horizontal to vertical or vice versa. Once the third leg is bolted to the base, the tower can then be extended to a raised height of approximately 54 feet.

Final installation details include adding tower grounding, installing the rotor, mast, and Click for more

Tower Tilt Mechanism Installed

Today (9/20) the crew of Dave, KR4U; Donn, N4KII; and John KI4UIP installed the tower tilt assembly on the concrete base. Notice the ancient Egyptian influence used in keeping the heavy mechanism above the threaded rod so as not to bend the rods. Now we get to prepare the tower while the concrete base continues to cure.

John and Donn prepare to install tilt mechanism
Tilt mechanism lowered onto threaded rod
Tilt mechanism installed on base


Tilt mechanism installed on base
Finished installation of tilt mechanism on base
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Weak Signal On-Air Demonstration

Join us at the Friday, Oct 7th SPARC meeting where Ed, NZ1Q will demonstrate digital modes JT65 and JT9. This demonstration will be conducted live on the HF bands.

The “JT” in JT65 is Dr. Joe Taylor, K1JT. Joe is the Nobel Prize winning physicist who wrote the software that makes amateur weak signal communication possible. This software is available at no cost to amateurs who would like to explore the world of weak signal communications. Even when the bands are close there are stations on using the JT … Click for more

Tower Installation Update

Today (9/13) we poured concrete. Four yards (16,000 lbs.) of mud, 200 pounds of re-bar, followed by

by eight ¾” threaded rods. Everything went as planned. As we wait for the concrete to harden, we can now come up with a plan to relocate the log periodic antenna that is currently atop the Glen Martin tower that is mounted on the shipping containers.

Truck setting up to pour
The pour begins
The pour continues
Topping off the pour


Inserting threaded rods


Threaded rods bolted to tower template and
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