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Study Guide Needed

If you have a current version of either an ARRL or Gordon West Technician Study Guide that you would

Ohm’s Law

like to donate to a deserving student, please contact Kyle, N4NSS at or 727-331-2924. A used book in good condition is all that’s needed. If you have upgraded and no longer need your copy, please contact Kyle.


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W8IM Places 3rd Worldwide

Dean, W8IM. earned 3rd place worldwide in the 10M PSK31 QSO Party that is sponsored by 10-10 International. What makes this accomplishment more amazing is that Dean won in the QRP category! An accomplished CW operator, Dean decided to expand his horizons with PSK31. Congratulations Dean. Click the title to see Dean’s certificate.



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W4TA Late Entry Into NAQP RTTY

Due to a last minute cancellation at DMI, we were able to participate in the NAQP RTTY contest. Operators participating on the W4TA Multi-2 category team were: Ron KP2N, Bob N2ESP, Dee N4GD, Tom NY4I and Johnnie W4TSP. The team used N1MM+ logging software which incorporates the MMTTY RTTY engine. This facilitated the ability to display real time contest statistics on our big screen TV as well as live on our web page. We ended the contest early as thunder storms approached. Claimed score for this event was 446. Thanks Click for more

W4TA Places Second in RTTY Roundup

Courtesy ARRL

According to the August 2017 edition of QST, W4TA placed second in the Multi-Single Low Power class in the 2017 ARRL RTTY Roundup.

1st K9NR 103,851

2nd W4TA 85,845 (908 QSOs and 97 multipliers)

3rd WS9V 78,587

Way to go SPARC operators: KA4IOX, KP2N, KR4U, KB8ESY, N2ESP, N4GD, N4KPJ, N4RI, NY4I, VE3XD, W4CU and W4TSP.

If you would like to join in the fun, contact Ron KP2N for details on our next Radiosport event.

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July 15th Mini-Hamfest Cancelled – To Be Rescheduled

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Mini-Hamfest scheduled for July 15th has been cancelled. We will reschedule this event as well as making the equipment available at other nearby hamfests. Sorry for any inconvenience.


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K4SCL Milestone

SPARC would like to celebrate its newest member of the Century Club.

K4SCL Celebrates 100

No, not the DXCC, but the real Century Club.

Congratulations to Woody, K4SCL for celebrating his 100th birthday. Woody’s shirt reads “Yes people you are looking at a Genuine Centenarian.”

Woody and his XYL Fran, K4RXO, are both life members of SPARC.

Thanks Woody for setting an extraordinary example that we will all try to match.

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