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Our loss of Gretchen, KB0SDR. Service on January 18.

SPARC was informed by Doug, KB0SDQ that his wife Gretchen, KB0SDR passed away on Wednesday, Dec 13.  There will be a service held for his wife of 29 years on January 18, 2018 at 11:00 AM, Countryside Christian Center, 1850 McMullen Booth Rd, Clearwater, FL 33759

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You’re invited to an Antenna Party Saturday

SPARC members are all welcome and encouraged to assist at the assembly, repair and erection of antennas at W4GAC. Starting at 9:00AM on Saturday 12/16, the tower will be lowered to replace the rotator. At the same time, adjustments will be made to accommodate the center support for the new 80/160 dipole. The south end of the dipole will be attached to a tree near 90th Avenue. The north end will terminate at a new “tower” to be installed at the north end of the property. Finally, a new Click for more

A Website Makeover…

Welcome to the new look of the SPARC website. This is the same WordPress site underneath but a new format. The new site uses a three column design so one does not have to scroll down the page to see current topics. You can also see the 10 most recent posts on the right under the current weather conditions at the SPARC station.

Take it for a spin and let us know what you think… Feel free to comment on Facebook or to

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SPARCFest 2017 Recap

A picture of the SPARC table with various items for sale
SPARC Silent Key Items for sale

One could not have asked for better weather for the annual SPARCFest this year. The event was held at Freedom Lake Park in Pinellas Park on Saturday November 11, 2017. As usual, even though the official start is 8:00 AM people start congregating around 6:00 AM to setup and some even to grab early bargains—although sales really start at 8.

Three SPARC members catching up on things.
SPARC members swapping lies…
A wide picture showing the ARRL table in the background and the coffee table in the foreground
Looking towards the ARRL table…

This event continues to grow in popularity due to the time of year, comfortable weather, … Click for more

Festival Goers Exposed to CW

KR4U, NZ1Q, KI4UIP and N4GD Setting up the booth
Getting Ready for the Crowd [N2ESPhoto]
SPARC completed another successful day at the St. Petersburg Science festival. Situated under a big oak tree on the breezy shore of Tampa Bay, SPARC station W4GAC was again on the air.

This year we focused on CW. We noticed in prior events that the sound of Morse code emanating from our tent caused people to ask “what is this?” We set up a simple 20M CW station and put CW guru Dave KR4U behind the key. In spite of so-so propagation, Dave was … Click for more

The MAK is Back

SPARC contesters enjoyed entering W4TA in the newly reestablished Makrothen RTTY contest. Makrothen is a Greek word meaning distance. In spite of poor propagation, the SPARC team made 541 QSOs with a claimed score of 2,203,706 points.

Tom W4CU running while Ron KP2N watches [N2ESPhoto]
What makes the Makrothen different from the other contests we compete in is the method of scoring. Most contests are scored based on the number of QSOs times the number of “multipliers” worked in the contest. The points value awarded for each QSO varies with … Click for more

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