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SPARC Equipment for Sale

SPARC has a wide variety of used equipment for sale. Equipment is on display inside W4GAC Clubhouse. Local pickup only. Click here to view the list. 


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Big crowds at Hamcation

SPARC members showed up at Hamcation and for the 12 Noon annual member’s picture.
Click here for the slide-show clip:  February 10, 2018


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SPARC Lagniappe *

This serving of Lagniappe features some poetry of Olde.

Silent Key

By Howard O. McCall

From The Sparks Journal, Vol. 3 #2

A shaft of sunlight,

Pierces the gloom,

Of the shadowy quiet,

In the radio room,

The equipment sits idle,

Because, you see,

The one who used them,



The once shiny microphone,

Now dusty and dull,

A coaxial switch,

Angles off from the wall,

The chrome plated bug,

A beauty to see,

The one who made use of these,



Gone … Click for more

Winter Field Day 2018 Report – Field Day Fun at 70 Degrees instead of 93.

One of the first Field Days I ever attended (back in 1982) was at the Fairgrounds in Largo (home of the Renaissance festivals). At that event, the Clearwater Amateur Radio Society (CARS), the Metro Repeater Association (Metro) and the St. Petersburg Amateur Radio Club (SPARC) came together in the spirit of inter-club cooperation to put on a huge ARRL Field Day effort. This was complete with a great location, good equipment, operators to man the stations, great food and loads of fun.

View of site from fire tower (dipole support)
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Morse Code – Who Had A Clue?

Another interesting email arrived at SPARC this week. A lady had “received” a message in Morse code she couldn’t decode. Strange you ask? True. She asked us for help in decoding the message. Forwarding the request to a few SPARK members, Ed NZ1Q, stepped up to the challenge.

Ed was given a phone number that connected him to the recorded CW message. Thirty seconds later, the message was decoded. It turns out that sender of the email was involved in a “learning challenge that involves solving [a series of] Click for more

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