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Embroidered Club Shirts Now Available for Sale

SPARC has made arrangements with a local uniform shop to supply custom-embroidered shirts for members. The shirts feature the embroidered club logo along with your first name and callsign. These are short-sleeve, collared pull-over shirts available in sizes from extra small to 5 XL. The shirt below is an example of the same shirt printed for the UPARC club in Palm Harbor. Of course, your shirt will have the SPARC logo.

Example of shirt (with UPARC logo instead of SPARC)

Pricing on the shirts is as follows (tax included):

XS … Click for more

Learn about Ham Radio Satellite communications, Feb 1, SPARC Club Meeting

Join us February 1 at the SPARC monthly meeting for a presentation on ham satellite communications.  Drew, KO4MA, AMSAT Vice-President Operations and Member of the Board will present and if conditions are right may be able to demonstrate a satellite QSO.

AMSAT is a worldwide group of Amateur Radio Operators who share an active interest in building, launching and then communicating with each other through non-commercial Amateur Radio satellites.

The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) was formed in 1969 as a not-for-profit educational organization. Its aim is to foster Amateur … Click for more

Plan now for Home Brew Night in March

Yes, it is that time of year again.  Get your Home Brew project ready for the March 1 club meeting.  This year HB Night will be in March (the Feb club program will be announced soon).

SPARC’s usual “HB Show & Tell” includes projects that may range from your own design to modifications or unique interconnections.  Anything ham related is acceptable and could include antennas, rigs, software, feedlines, shack power, remote operating, boat-anchors and more. See the clip below for more ideas.

Last year we had 7 … Click for more

SPARC Program, Friday, Jan 4: Antenna Analyzer demonstration

The SPARC meeting program will demonstrate the most useful measurement modes including SWR, Resonance, Antenna Tuning, Coax loss and others uses. We’ll have the popular MFJ analyzer for the demo. If you have another brand that has other interesting features, bring it along.

Join us at our new meeting place, 5th Ave Baptist Church in St Pete, 7:30 PM.. See directions elsewhere on this web site.

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