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Who Needs Propagation?

SPARC members were out in force for the 2019 Open Season QSO Party sponsored by Ten-Ten Net International, Inc. Using PSK 31, 5 watts and a flagpole antenna, Robert aka Dean, W8IM won not one but three certificates as shown below: 1st Place QRP, 3rd Place World, and 1st Place 8th call area.

W8IM Third Place World
W8IM First Place QRP
W8IM First Place 8th Call Area

Terrific effort Dean. Dean also noted that SPARC members Leslie, WA4EEZ and Dave, WS1ETI participated in the contest.


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Pinellas Radio Clubs in the Park – Save the Date

On Saturday September 21st, 2019 starting at 9:00AM, several Pinellas County clubs will host “Pinellas Radio Clubs in the Park” This will be held at the centrally-located Eagle Lake Park at 1800 Keene Road in Largo. The general idea is setup of portable equipment, make a few contacts, visit with friends—old and new—and meet members of some other clubs for a picnic. This follows a tradition started by the Upper Pinellas ARC to get into the field each month for fun out in the open air full of radio related … Click for more

Information about Attending Field Day

The following information may be useful for those attending the 2019 Field Day at the Clearwater Fire training Center, especially if this is your first Field Day.

As you may be aware, the radio room is inside, but setup will of course be outside for antenna work. You may want to bring a change of clothes/shirt, etc. The facility has showers and locker rooms if you so desire but you may want to bring your own towel/toiletries. Setup starts at 8:00 AM Saturday morning. We will have coffee and … Click for more

What is this Field Day Thing I Keep Hearing about and Why Do I Care?


Last Day to Signup to be Guaranteed Meals: Monday June 17Click here to sign up… 

Hang around any group of hams in the springtime and eventually the subject of Field Day will come up. New people must be absolutely bewildered trying to understand this thing others speak of so fondly. So for those that may be new, or even those that know about Field Day but have not made it out to one in awhile, here is an overview.

Just Announced

We will be conducting an education … Click for more

Don’t miss this Friday’s Club Meeting, May 3

Pat, AA0O will present Parks on the Air (POTA) this Friday night, May 3 at the SPARC monthly meeting.
The presentation will explain the POTA program and Pat will bring along some of his equipment used in his quest to activate as many parks in the area as possible as well as tips on activating and hunting other activations.

AA0O will tell us about some of the local parks and his experiences. The presentation will include pictures from his activations and other participants around the country.
Learn how you can … Click for more

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