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Field Day 2020 – What’s in a Name?

As you may know, our normal Field Day at the fire training center is not happening this year. Many members are taking advantage of the rule changes to operate class 1D or 1E from home. One of the changes the ARRL made—for this year only—is the ability to aggregate our individual scores under one club name. Please note that you still just make contacts with your own call but when it comes time to send in your Field Day entry, in the spot for club name you can add a … Click for more

Coronas all around…RFI too?

Dave KR4U reported that he was contacted by Duke Energy with an update on the RF noise at the station. Duke went to the site with a “corona detecting camera” presumably to detect any arcing on various power components. This corona is the electrical arcing kind, not the drinking kind nor that other one in the news lately. They found 12 leaking insulators! Duke has ordered the parts and will contact Dave again once they are replaced. That will hopefully significantly reduce the noise level at the club … Click for more

June meeting to be held via Zoom

We still won’t be able to meet in person for the June meeting, so in an effort to include more people (who may not be able to reach the 2m repeater) we’re going to hold the June meeting via Zoom.  If you’re unfamiliar with it, Zoom is a free software that allows for group video chats.  You can download the software from Video isn’t required, but encouraged, you can use your computer’s audio or you can dial in with your phone.

To help get everyone setup and alleviate problems … Click for more

Saturday Presentation Series – Setting up N1MM and TR4W for Field Day

With more people opting to operate from home this year, this is a Zoom online session presented by Tom NY4I on setting up N1MM and TR4W for Field Day. Many people are not used to setting this up for at the shared Field Day event, this is usually done ahead of time by others. But with operating from home, you might find a local instance handy for logging your Field Day contacts. This session will cover downloading, and installing each program and we will look at operating them both if … Click for more

Monthly Meeting moving to SPARC Repeater

Due to the COVID19 virus and the ban on gatherings we will move the April meeting to a special net to be held on the SPARC repeater at the normal meeting time.  The meeting will be on April 3rd at 7:30pm, on the 2m repeater at 147.060 MHz.

We will handle the club business as usual and then open the net for discussion.  The vote on the update to the By Laws and the program on Loop Antennas by Rich AA2MF will be postponed until we are all able to … Click for more

SPARC in the Park Big Success

SPARC in the Park [Photo by Gerry WR6N].

Members of SPARC, UPARC and CARS came out to Lake Seminole on Saturday March 14 to enjoy the sunshine as well as operating HF and satellite portable. Patterned after other “in the Park” events put on by our clubs in the past, approximately 15 people came out to enjoy a day in the fresh air. Unlike Field Day, everyone is encouraged to bring their own radios and test their portable setup in the field. It also gives members a chance to see … Click for more

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