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Field Day 2021

There is a much bigger wrap-up article to come yet but in the meantime, thanks to everyone that came out to Field Day this year. The facility was great as always, the teams worked great together and I believe everyone had a good time. We had around 60 people there and made around 1200 QSOs (preliminary scoring summary here) plus obtained our satellite contact. More to come but in the mean time, take a gander at this fantastic photo from our club president, Pat AA0O.

Photo by Pat
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Real Time Starlink Satellite Map

Hi space fans. If you enjoy Alan’s (KO4CR) informative QST announcements about space flights, perhaps you would enjoy knowing where those Starlink satellites are right now! Point your browser to and see where the satellites are in real time.

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Field Day 2021 – We’re Back!!!

Sign-up Sheet Now Available See below…

Signup Deadline to guarantee Meals: Tuesday June 22 @ 11:59 PM.

After a long cold winter of no Field Day events, we are happy to announce that Field Day 2021 is on! As has been our mode for the last several events, we will be operating Field Day with a combined club effort with the Clearwater Amateur Radio Society and the Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club. The event is on June 26 and 27th, 2021 at the Clearwater Fire Training Center (1716 N Click for more

4 QSO Parties this Weekend Covering 16 States.

This weekend (May 1 and 2) is the “4 QSO parties in one” weekend.

This includes the New England QSO Party (6 NE states), 7th Call Area (8 states), Indiana and Delaware.

QSO parties are a great way to pick up states you need to WAS on different bands. With better propagation lately, you may even be able to get some 10 meter states.

To make it easier to log, the organizers of these four events will all accept logs with contacts of the others. They will filter out the … Click for more

April 2nd Meeting – Mobile radio show

Since we’re outside in the parking lot already for the meeting, the upcoming April 2nd meeting program will be a mobile radio setup show.  Similar to a car show, you can show off your setup and the officers will judge the best one, who will win a nice trophy made by Lisa KC1YL.
Reminder that next month’s meeting, Friday May 7th, will be Homebrew Night since it didn’t work out over Zoom, so get your projects ready!

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