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2022 Club Dues are…DUE

Attention all,

This is a reminder that 2022 SPARC dues are due! IF you have not have a chance to renew your membership, you can do so online. Select the Online Membership Form and navigate to the bottom of the page. There you will see the option to pay your dues using PayPal. You can also mail a check to the SPARC PO Box or provide payment to our Treasurer at the next club meeting.

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Field Day Podcast

At Field Day this past June we welcomed podcaster Mary Beth Toole from the Sonic Earth Expeditions podcast.  Mary Beth spent some time with us on Saturday interviewing and listening in on our Field Day contacts.  The podcast is available now, “A Field Day For Hams” 

Thanks to Charles, Dave, Bruce and Dawn for giving interviews.

Just a reminder that Winter Field Day is coming up on January 29/30th, which will be a joint event with CARS and UPARC at the Clearwater Fire Training Facility at 1700 N … Click for more

SPARC Holiday Gathering

Mark your calendars, the SPARC Holiday Party will be at 2pm on Sunday February 6th at Kristina’s Cafe.

Hope to see all of you there!



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Ron Hall KP2N, Silent Key

As many of you may know, Ron Hall, KP2N, passed away earlier this month as is now SK. Ron was a long-time member of SPARC, licensed since the 1950s. He was instrumental in the US VI (see link) even serving as ARRL section head there. He also worked for heathkit (see this youtube) as well. he was a wonderful man and will be missed by all in the club. 

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2022 officer and board member elections

The club held its annual elections at the November meeting and all candidates ran unopposed and were elected unanimously. 

Your 2022 executive board is as follows:

  • President: Pat Connely, AA0O
  • Vice-President: Lisa Neuscheler, KC1YL
  • Treasurer: Tom Wedding, AI4QP
  • Secretary: Charles Adkinson, W4BPP
  • Board Member: Dee Turner, N4GD
  • Board Member: John Toth, KI4UIP
  • Board Member: Rich Cariello, AA2MF


Thanks to these fine folks for their efforts and for all who donate time, talent, or treasure to help make SPARC what it is. 


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Winter Field Day 2022

information, and signups for attendance and volunteering will be posted in November or December 2021.

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