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New Aerials in the Ether

The weather was picture perfect. The station engineering team of Dave, KR4U and John, KI4UIP had the necessary tools and hardware ready. Then the SPARC Elves showed up at W4GAC/W4TA, and suddenly our station had the ability to work the “top band.”

Fan dipole adjustments. (N2ESPhoto)

Up went a 160M/80M fan dipole, extending virtually the entire western property line of our station. But not before a semi-permanent tower was erected to support the north end of the antenna. A robust pine tree anchors the southern end.





NZ1Q checks for resonance. (N2RESPhoto)
KK4WTE watches KI4UIP exchange rotors. (N2ESPhoto)

The center of the antenna was hoisted up the tilt-telescopic tower, but not before the rotor was swapped out for a rebuilt unit.


[L to R] W4CU, N4GD & KC1YL assemble 40M vertical dipole. (N2ESPhoto)
While all that work was going on, another group of Elves were busy assembling and testing a 40M vertical dipole donated by Scott, N4RI. This antenna will shortly be mounted atop the tower section on the shipping containers. Provisions were also made to raise a 30M dipole, which was not done as most of the elder Elves ran out of gas. Expect these two antennas to be ready to go by early January.

The following SPARC elves graciously gave their time and talents to make this effort a success: Norman, KA1IJA; Lisa, KC1YL; Bob, KC4SXO; John, KI4UIP; Rick, KK4WTE; Ron, KP2N; Dave, KR4U; Pat, KX4HL; Ed, NZ1Q; Bob, N2ESP; Dee. N4GD; Scott, N4RI; Tom, NY4I; Tom, W4CU; Bob, WA4OAB and Ed, WV6H.

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