The SPARC Contester–under the callsign W4TA–ran the North American QSO Party Summer RTTY contest this past week. This is a short contest starting at 2:00 PM on Saturday and going only 12 hours until 2:00 AM on Sunday. We ran two stations full-time even with being short-staffed. One of our regular RTTY contesters, Scotty N4RI, sadly passed away this month. Since the exchange for this contest is Name and State, in Scotty’s honor, we sent Scott and FL as the exchange. We were also missing a few others due to vacations and the like so the operators for this contest were: Ron KP2N, Rex KB8ESY, Dee N4GD, Tom NY4I, Paul KA4IOX, Leslie WA4EEZ and Bob N2ESP.
(l to r) Tom NY4I, a guest, Leslie WA4EEZ, Dee N4GD operating[Photo by George W1AAG]We made a total of 728 contacts with Ron leading the pack with 225 QSOs, followed by Rex with 122 and Dee with 101 QSOs. The equipment worked great as usual. Running two stations is always challenging as we have to rewire the antennas to put the Triplexer in line to allow both stations to use the log periodic antenna on the tower. Thanks to Ron KP2N for setting this up and putting it back.
Ron KP2N at the Yaesu station. Antennas switching panel in rear. [Photo by George W1AAG]Ron KP2N working 15 meters. [Photo by George W1AAG]Dee working 20 meters [Photo by George W1AAG]K3 Station [Photo by George W1AAG]States worked from Raspberry Pi Stats Reporter
Hello. I have first joined SPARC in 1992 and then after returning in 2008, have been a continuous member--my first meeting was in 1981. I am the current president of the SPARC. Formerly I was the vice president under Ron KP2N and a board member for several years.
I am a Life Member of the ARRL as well as a member of the ARRL Maxim Society. Additionally, I am a life member of AMSAT, a past-president and founding member of the Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club, a member of the Clearwater Amateur Radio Club and a past-president and member of the Utah Amateur Radio Club.
I hold 9 band DXCC covering 160 meters through 10 meters. I am also a member of the ARRL's A-1 Operator's Club. I mostly chase DX, POTA parks and dabble in contests both at home and with SPARC. I also work on the development of several amateur radio software projects including TR4W among other open source projects.
I am a dyed in the wool Elecraft fan utilizing my K4D and KPA1500 for HF but also have more Icom radios than any one person should own. I also have a growing Begali key addiction that seems to keep growing.I also have a nice collection of older radios, Mac computers and HF 1500 watt amplifiers.
Professionally, I own a software consulting company and have been involved in software development and IT continuous for the past 39 years.