Jack – W1BBU SK, June 13, 2023
From Jack’s QRZ page:
“I was first licensed in 1957 as a Novice as KN1EJT. Upgraded to Tech and later Conditional as K1EJT. In 1969 and 1970 was YB0AAC, one of the first two foreign amateurs legally licensed in Indonesia. In 1971 was authorized to use KR6JH by US authorities in Okinawa (Ryukyu Islands). Upgraded to Advanced class KF4SX in 1985. After the death of my father, who was licensed as W1BBU circa 1927, I applied for and received his call – W1BBU.

Member of ARRL, St Petersburg Amateur Radio Club (SPARC), Florida Contest Group (FCG), Straight Key Century Club (SKCC), & Florida Portable Radio Klub (W4PRK).
I’m a retired U.S. Marine Corps aviator with more than 6,000 military flight hours and almost as many successful landings as takeoffs in 34 aircraft models over a 23-year career. Had a second third career after the military.
In the Autumn of 2021, I began frequently participating in Parks on the Air (POTA) hunting. I’ve earned two activator “Kilos” at my “home park K-6700.
In the picture ‘My best landing ever’ at Dulles International, April 1975. Cockpit fire immediately after takeoff. That is firefighting foam in the picture, not snow. Great flying according to a Naval Aviation News magazine article, but a very healthy dose of luck.”
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