We started the party Saturday April 27 at the club station at Noon. We had Bob N2ESP, Dave KR4U, Johnnie W4TSP, Dee N4GD, Tom NY4I, Rex KB8ESY, Ron KP2N and Glenn N4GRC as operators. We ran two stations the whole time with one on CW and one on SSB. Dave KR4U, Ron KP2N and Tom NY4I manned the CW station with the others working the SSB station. Our goal is to remain competitive with last year’s winning score as well as train a few new ops. Glenn N4GRC joined us for the first time making quite a few contacts.
According to last year’s log stats, we made 867 QSOs last year on the first day. This year we made 874 so we are on track for another great showing. I should mention that we call CQ the whole time as stations want to work Florida stations. The pile-ups waiting to work us were quite large. It’s quite a bit of fun to operate the station in the FQP. The FQP is broken up into two sessions both 10 hours each. Saturday’s session went until 10:00 PM and Sunday’s starts at 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM local time. You can still join us to operate. Just come down to the club station at 6699 90th avenue north in Pinellas Park anytime Sunday before 6 PM.
You can also check us out on the club webcam as well as track our score on the contest dashboard.