For your review, here is a link to the sign-up sheet for operating at Field Day.
Note we have three stations: CW Only, CW/SSB/PSK and SSB Only.
The CW/SSB/PSK station will be on whatever mode we have the requisite operators. This way we can keep the station busy.
I will post this sheet at the antenna setup on Friday morning at 10:00 and when we get to the site on Saturday at 9:00 AM. People that attend either setup can sign up at either of those two times. After that, people can sign up for spots at Field Day on Saturday.
This is done to give a chance to those that are helping to setup either Friday or Saturday a chance to pick operating spots first. Each spot is 1 hour long and unless no one is manning the station, we ask that you only take an hour at a time (although you can operate one hour and log the next hour).
Please think about when you want to operate and if you can attend one of the setup sessions, please do so and sign up for a operating slot.