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Field Day – Late Lunch and Early Dinner for All Members

Field Day Picnic for SPARC Members/Guests: A volunteer has been found to cater picnic food from 2:00pm to 6:00pm Saturday June 22nd. The menu includes hot dogs with all the fixins, potato salad, cold slaw and sodas. Given the weather forecast, food will be served inside DMI. Bring some chips or cookies to share if you can.

Your Help is Needed: One person can’t work alone. So we still need some volunteers to set up tables and chairs. Volunteers should show up around 1:15 – 1:30 pm and some evening eaters are asked to help put away tables and chairs and clean up a bit after 6:00pm.

Food for Operators: Additional food will be provided for operators. We will have drinks, snacks, sandwiches for the night watch and bagels for Sunday morning.

We hope to see everyone Saturday or any time Saturday and Sunday to operate or visit. Questions?: Email:

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