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Field Day 2016

By Coy, KK4JMP, Field Day Chairman


Field Day 2016, a local and national amateur radio association promoted by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), as an2016 Field Day Logo educational, radio operating and public relations event where radio operators all over America work and make as many contacts as possible on all amateur radio bands throughout Florida and across the nation and some foreign countries and regions under abnormal conditions and unique radio operating situations. Field Day experiences helps to develop skills among amateur radio operators to meet the challenges of emergency preparedness.

Field Day Plans

The St. Petersburg Amateur Radio Club founded in 1932 has shared the success of past Field Day events and continues to build upon, the history and legacy of the City of St. Petersburg and Pinellas County.

The 2016 Field Day event will be held at the DMI Research 6699 90th Avenue North Pinellas Park, West Central Florida location (Click HERE for directions) on Saturday, June 25, 2016 at 2:00 PM through 2:00 PM Sunday, June 26, 2016.

Involvement & Participation

SPARC uses Field Day to educate and encourages its members to join in the fun of setting up and operating the Field Day portable radio stations. SPARC members during Field Day set-up and use portable emergency generators to power several radio stations, use station contact logging software and portable radio antennas to contact stations. SPARC members get an opportunity to participate and learn how to make thousands of radio station contacts on all bands, except those bands excluded and have fun enjoying the fellowship with other amateur radio operators during this fun and exciting event.

SPARC plans to get as many of the club membership to participate and enjoy Field Day through working contacts, logging and passing radio messages (Radiograms) to earn maximum points while sharing food and libations. SPARC members can also volunteer to serve on station and antenna equipment/ power generator set-up, public information and outreach, official event photographer, food and beverage donations and just add to the fun. SPARC members are encouraged to sign up at the May 6 and June 3, 2016 Club Meetings.

Youth Education & Development

SPARC sets up a special radio station for non-hams. Known as a “Get On The Air” (GOTA) station, this station is dedicated to educate non-hams on how to operate a radio station and learn how to make contacts. We want our youth to gain the knowledge and pass on the legacy of the great hobby of amateur radio. Youngsters as well as adults interested in obtaining their FCC amateur radio license are encouraged to attend the 2016 Field Day event and spend time at our GOTA station.


Public Education

SPARC uses Field Day as a public relations and promotional event to educate the general public on how amateur radio can be an important resource during emergencies. To that end, SPARC plans to designate a “Public Information Officer” to develop and disseminate public information during the Field Day event. This includes TV, radio and print media through public service announcements and news articles.

Elected and Public Officials & Agencies

SPARC’s outreach to our elected, public officials and community leaders during Field Day is designed to further develop a strong partnership and working relationship with federal, state and local government agencies, municipalities and the general public in the Cities of St. Petersburg and Pinellas Park.

Field Day Contacts

For SPARC members wishing to sign up and participate and media, elected officials and agencies wishing further information on Field Day please contact: Mr. Coy M. LaSister KK4JMP 2016 Field Day Chairman at (727) 409-9835 and/or Mr. Bob Wanek, N2ESP SPARC President


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