SPARC Meeting Minutes, October 4, 2019
- Bob, N2ESP asked visitors and new members to be recognized
- Nick, KM4LLZ, St Pete was recognized and welcomed
- Introductions of members around the room took place.
- Minutes of the August SPARC meeting were posted and accepted by motion, second and unanimous vote to accept.
- VP Report by Ed, NZ1Q
- Presentation tonight by Alan, WB9JTK –
- Presentation suggestions for future meetings are welcome.
- Treasure’s Report was presented by Tom, AI4QP. Report for September income and payouts was accepted by motion, second and by unanimous vote.
- Aug 31 balance was $8141.25
- plus income 50.00
- less exp 17.00
- equaled the ending balance of $8,174.25
- Net Manager’s report was presented by Rick, KK4WTE
- Monthly session total = 37
- QNI = 540
- QTC = 36
- QND = 1109
- Club Station trustee Dave, KR4U reviewed the station status
- The station is up and operational
- Upcoming is the RTTY “distance” contest with three 8 hr sessions
- SPARC will operate in the contest at the club station.
- SPARC Repeater report was given by Dee, N4GD.
- The repeaters have been recently checked for power out and sensitivity. They remain unchanged from earlier in the year.
- Ron recommended the club purchase a 220 amplifier from Dee, N4GD for $125.00. Motion to purchase the amp was made, seconded and accepted by unanimous vote.
- New members were identified by applications submitted at the meeting.
- Nick Miller, KM4LLZ and Bill King, KN4YBT
- Motion was made to accept the new members, seconded and passed by unanimous vote.
- VE Report was given by Don, N4KII
- Sept 17 ARRL testing at DMI Club Station
- 1st session, 2 candidates, one upgraded to General class
- 2nd session, 1 candidate, one upgraded to General class
- Sept 26 W5YI testing at Lealman Fire Station
- 1 candidate, passed the Technician class exam
- Sept 17 ARRL testing at DMI Club Station
- Old business
- N2ESP: Radio in the Park – joint outing by 3 local clubs, 35 people, 4-5 stations, food and fox hunt. Fox was found by a civilian who called the police and after an explanation, everyone had a good laugh.
- N2ESP: St Pete Science Festival – Oct 19 in Pointer Park, STEAM exhibits. SPARC will setup a tent with CW station, CW operators are needed. See the SPARC web site for more details on the event.
- New Business
- Elections will be held at the November meeting
- Nominations from members have been received as follows
- For President – Pat Connelly, AA0O
- For Vice President – Glenn Cate, N4GRC
- For Vice President – Lisa Neuscheler, KC1YL
- For Secretary – Rich, AA2MF
- For Treasure – Tom, AI4QP
- Board of Directors – All agreed to continue on for 2020.
- Motion was made by Bob, KC4SXO to close nominations and was seconded. Nominations closed by unanimous vote.
- Meeting Break 7:50 PM
- Meeting Resumed 8:00 PM
- Presentation by Alan Dewey, WB9JTK
- President of JTK Communications, Inc
- demonstration
- Videoed by Billy, KN4LUZ
- 50/50 table, winners called by Bob, N2ESP
- 50/50 payout was made to a lucky member,
Meeting Adjourned at 8:40 PM
Respectfully submitted by,
Ed, NZ1Q
for Rich, AA2MF, SPARC Secretary