Board Meeting Saturday February 27, 2016
Meeting opened at 3:00pm by Club President Bob N2ESP
11 Members attended.
Old Business:
1.Antenna Tower Project, Silt screen installed and pictures taken. Ready for inspection. Obtain stamps and pay fee and will be ready to start the clubs installation process.
2. Orlando Hamfest, Any highlights to report, positive or negative, no comments.
New Business:
1.Club Station, Tom NY4I added an Elecraft P3 spectrum display to the Elecraft K3 operating position in the radio room.
2.Saturday Club Meetings, Discussion on subject, overall feelings would add possible confusion and would not really provide any benefits so decided to continue with current plan. Additional discussion about possible Saturday contest/picnic get togethers in hope of more members getting involved and using the club stations. Discuss with membership at March meeting.
3.One on One Elmers, Present to membership at March meeting. Are there members who need or would like help in getting on the air with their stations? Question what are our members doing with their stations, what are the interests bands modes and such?
4.Guests and/or new members, Its very important to greet and have conversation with these folks to make them feel welcome let them know what the club has to offer. Nothing worse then ignoring possible new folks, all members should make an effort to make this happen.
5.Field Day Chairman, Time has a way of getting away quickly and June is coming up. Discuss at the March meeting and ask for a new Field Day leader. Tom NY4I and Dave KR4U can advise on the subject. Also where should we hold the event this year?
6.Clayton KJ4RUS Talked about the new SARNET statewide repeater system on 442.850 MHZ tone of 146.2 quite interesting.
7.Dinner Get Togethers, Ask at the March meeting if any interest on this subject. This does not have to include the entire membership unless everyone would like to come , it could be just a small group of folks who would like to go out for dinner and use a signup sheet then decide when and where to go.
Meeting concluded at 3:20pm
David KR4U