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Minutes of SPARC Meeting – May 2, 2024

7:32PM – meeting brought to order by Rich, AA2MF – President

Club officers and Committee Members: 

President:  Rich Cariello AA2MF-present

Vice President:  Carol De La Torre AB4YI-present

Treasurer:  Will Scott W7WMS-present

Secretary (Temporary):  Hal Chase W1EES present

Membership: Will Scott W7WMS-present

Station W4TA Trustee:  Carol De La Torre AB4YI – present

Station W4GAC Trustee:  Dave Trewin KR4U-present

SPARC station activates Tom W4CU- absent

VE Testing-Past President: Pat AA0O- absent

Repeater Team Dee N4GD-absent

Club Newsletters:  Bruce Solov KF4TYA-present

Board member:  John Toth KI4UIP – present

Antenna Team Ed NZ1Q-present

Net Manager Billy KN4LUZ- absent

SPARC Web Design Zach KO4WPO-absent

Pledge of allegiance

Intro of guests:  KL7IH – Arnold Watland – from Alaska

                    Jill – Dad was a ham – KD3IH – Earl Radding (SK) donating boxes of technical books.

Self intros of members –

Program for the evening – Mobile radio installations

There were 5 entries –

First place – “Capability” – Ryan Rager – AF4O

Second place – “Ergonomics” – Charles Adkinson – W4BPP

Third place – “Creativity” – Alex Harvey – KO4CEE

All-in-all, they were “very impressive installations” 

This concluded the initial (presentation) portion of the meeting – 8:18PM


Intermission –  The presentation meeting ended at  8:18PM – breaking for refreshments.


The Business meeting was called to order by Rich AA2MF club President at 8:30pm  

Treasurer’s Report – Reported by Will, W7WMS, Treasurer – was voted on and accepted.

Tempoary Secretary’s Report by Hal W1EES– Nothing to report.

 Vice-President Report by Carol AB4YI- I will be placing a signup sheet for Field Day on Slack. Life ARRL Members contact the ARRL my June 24th if you want to continue getting a hard copy of QST. Family membership can be obtained for a $12 yearly fee. More details to follow.

Membership Report – Will, W7WMS,  We have a new applicant for membership – Arnold Watland – KL7IH. Vote taken and approved by club members. Welcome to SPARC!

Club Contest Callsign W4TA Trustee Carol AB4YI reports- some QSL Cards  will be sent out soon.

Club station W4GAC Trustee Dave KR4U reports – Club stations are all up and running. 

Newsletters publisher’s report – Bruce – KF4TYA – reported he is always looking for info and stories from our members – if you have anything of interest, contact him. 

Florida QSO Party results – Dave Trewin – KR4U

Operators:  AA0O / AA2MF / AB4YI / AF4O / AI4RJ / K4OB / KF4TYA / KQ4TXM / KR4U / N2ESP / N4GD / N4MMR / N8PYN / NY4I / W4BOO / W4CU / W7WMS

            Station: W4GAC                   Class: M/M Mixed – Low Power

            Operating time: 20 hours

            Band               CW Qs                                    PH Qs

            40m                95                               141

            20m                428                             425

            15m                 216                              221

            10m                 38                               99

            Total:              777                             886

            Multipliers      68                               67

            TOTAL SCORE:     658,800


Old Business: 

The Club station will continue to be available prior to the start of the monthly meeting, to give those who wish to “get on the air” an opportunity to do so.  (maybe you want to check out a new mode  or check out different equipment  before spending money on it)  Expanded times will be considered – just bring it up at a meeting. 

The topic of updating the Club Bylaws has been brought up, but, so far, no action on this has taken place. 

New Business:

Carol De La Torre – AB4YI – our VP – brought forth the appointment of Bob Wanek – N2ESP – as President Emeritus. Rich AA2mf Club President recognized the request and asked for a motion and second. That received a vote was taken with the confirmation that 15 or more voting members were present, required by our bylaws.    Motion carried unanimously. Congratulations, Bob N2ESP!! 

Carol also reported again that a SIGN-UP sheet for Field Day will be available.

Antenna Team Lead Ed Erny – NZ1Q – is looking for a tower climber – interested?  Please contact him. 

*** SPARC Board of Director’s meeting – 21 MAY 2024 at 5:00pm ***

June 2024 meeting – program will be preparing for ARRL Field Day. 

May monthly meeting was Adjourned at 8:55pm.

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