Minutes of SPARC Meeting – March 6, 2020
Meeting called to order by Pat AA0O at 7:30 PM followed by the Pledge of allegiance.
First time visitors and member role call was taken.
Secretary Rich AA2MF spoke about the NAQP RTTY Contest. A small group of SPARC Members formed Team Aardvark. Other events like this are being planed.
VP Lisa KC1YL spoke about the Radios in the Park event to take place March 14th.
Net Manager’s Report
2 Meter 513 10 950 28
220-440 44 4 87 4
Net Mgr 18 12 27 4
Total 573 26 1064 36
Cert-Net 32 2 55 2
Club Trustee Dave KR4U spoke about the clubs scoring is the RTTY Roundup placing First in WCF. Tower and Antenna in progress of being repaired. The new power poles installed by Duke Energy seem to be causing a very high noise level on 40 meters. Asked for any club member having experience in finding noise source. WB9JTK Alan volunteered to help. Dave presented a motion for the club to buy a Zero Five vertical for 80-10 meter operation for the sum of $600. Voted and approved.
Tom AI4QP Treasurer presented his report, Voted and Approved.
Web Design Tom NY4I asked for articles for the club web site.
Repeater Trustee Ron KP2N no report.
Membership Tom AI4QP six new members:
Arturo Rios KO4CEC
Matthew Stone KO4AYV
Richard Macys KO4BJQ
Mike Herring WP2MH
Alexander Harvey KO4CEE
Judd Sheets W4BUS
VE report Don N4KII
SPARC Tuesday 3 Tech, 1 upgrade Extra
SPARC Saturday 1 General, 1 Extra
Pat AA0O talked about our first place win in the 2019 Florida QSO Party.
Pat spoke about canceling the K4WCF entry do to the SPARC station under repair. Rich AA2MF purposed dividing up the event time to club members that would operate from there personal stations. List of volunteers: W4WYR, NY4I, KC1YL, AA0O, KR4U, N4GD, AA2MF. Details to be determined.
New Business
Pat AA0O spoke about club By-Laws changes. The new wording will be posted on the club web page.
A short show and tell program to be added before the meeting break. Example was presented by Bob W4OID about a CW KEYER used to improve Code Copy.
Starting License Classes again with a call for volunteers.
The opening of the club station for its members use is in need of Station Mentors. Volunteers: NY4I, AA2MF, KC1YL, W4BPP, KA1IJA. Details to follow.
Bob W4OID spoke about the annual Sun & Fun Fly-in event March 31 – April 5th.
Meeting Break
Program by Ed NZ1Q about non contest awards.
Meeting Adjourned 8:55 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Rich AA2MF Secretary