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Minutes of SPARC Meeting March 1, 2024

All income and expenses are rectified and in balance
Secretary’s Report, Charles W4BPP: None.

VP report Carol AB4YI:  ARRL will still honor the magazine request if contacted
We have to evaluate our ARRL membership to ensure we remain an ARRL affiliated club. This means 51% of voting members must be ARRL. A discussion is had around ARRL club membership and the importance to maintain
that status.

This will be a key focus going forward
Rich is forming a committee to review the bylaws

Two new members are welcomed to the club and voted in.

VE report Pat Connelly:
Five attended with upgrades and new licensees!

Net Manager Report, Repeater Trustee Report Billy KN4LUZ (as presented by Charles, W4BPP) Recorded and filed by the secretary

Repeater Report. KN4LUZ Bill (per Ed NZ1Q)
2m is working, 440 has some issues which will be investigated.
Need net controllers, reach out to Bill KN4LUZ
Repeaters need a tune up, otherwise ok.

Trustee Report, Dave KR4U
Station in good operating condition
Received a donation of an Ameritron amplifier with switched inductor
Storage room is cleaned up and organized, no more storage of pop/soda due to exploding

Anyone brings equipment in, please let someone know what it is, why it’s here, what the value might be for any donations etc.

W4TA Station Trustee Carol AB4YI
New tuner installed with documentation
SP220 in hand to be tested

Website report, Zach K04WPO
No report filed

W4TA report Carole AB4YI
No report filed

Newsletter/SPARC Gap Report Bruce KF4TYA
Sorted an issue with mailchimp, should be coming out soon
Send ideas and submissions to Bruce via email
Planning to put out a newsletter each quarter. Lots of pictures taken.

Antenna Team, Ed NZ1Q
Some member antenna work upcoming

Tom W4CU with contesting update
2023 Florida QSO party plaque received
KO4WPO gets his plaque for winning top Florida rookie in the 2023 Florida QSO party

Upcoming contests
ARRL Sideband 3/2/2024
Bertaugh RTTY
CQWPX Sideband 3/30
Florida QSO party in April
ARRL DX Sideband

Old Business:
Station open before meetings to learn how to operate and use the station. Will continue at meetings, VE sessions, and other days as volunteers available meetings, VE sessions, and other days as volunteers available.
Feb 17th we moved back into the storage trailer.

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