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Minutes of SPARC Meeting – July 3, 2015


7:30p.m. The meeting was called to order. Pledge of Allegiance and introductions were done. Secretary’s Minutes are on the club website and were accepted by the membership. The Treasurer, Tom-AI4QP, was not in attendance to the meeting so the Treasurer’s Report was read by the club secretary and accepted by the membership. Clayton-KJ4RUS club Vice President was not able to attend the meeting but he is continuing working on getting the permit/paperwork for the new club tower. Club Trustee Report was read by Dave-KR4U, the club station is getting put back together from Field Day and still looking for content for the club newsletter. Report was accepted by the membership.
The Repeater Report was read by Ron-KP2N, the tone has been installed on the 440 repeater, (146.2) and all repeaters are working well. VE Report was read by Donn-N4KII, 3 applicants, 2 upgrades to General and one new General. Both reports were accepted by the membership.

Old Business – Looking for an engineer to sign off the paperwork for the new club tower. Tom-NY4I, discussed Field Day with the membership, what worked, what didn’t and what the membership would like to see and have for next year’s Field Day.

New Business – IARU contest July 11-12 from 8a.m. to 8a.m. There will be an AES Tailgate in Orlando July the 18th. The club is looking for more programs to present to the meetings.
Break was called at 8:19p.m.

8:33p.m meeting was called to order, program – Radio Art was presented by Bob-N2ESP and Cliff-KM4CPF gave a presentation on Weather. Meeting ended at 9:09p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ron Graham – KK4KRC
SPARC Secretary

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