Meeting held at DMI research
Meeting called to order at 1930
Minutes by Charles, W4BPP
Executive members in attendance:
President: Pat Connelly, AA0O
Treasurer: Tom Wedding, AI4QP
Secretary: Charles Adkinson, W4BPP
Board Member: John Toth, KI4UIP
Past President: Bob Wanek, N2ESP
Club Trustee: Dave, KR4U
Repeater Trustee: Billy, KN4LUZ
Business Meeting start and greeting:
- The meeting opens with the pledge of allegiance
- New members, guests, and first timers recognized and introduced themselves
- 6 attendees from zoom
- last months minutes approved
- Secretary’s Report:
- Verification of minutes compliance
- Field day entry will be submitted post haste
- VP report:
- There was no VP this month
- Treasurer report:
- All income and expenses are rectified and in balance
- 7 new members accepted into club during the month
- VE report
- Tuesday:
- 2 passed
- Saturday:
- 4 passed
- Tuesday:
- Net Manager Report, Repeater Trustee Report Billy KN4LUZ, presented by Charles W4BPP
- 685 check in
- 28 messages
- 1223 minutes
- 35 sessions
- Billy with the highest number of check-ins this month!
- Repeater Report. KN4LUZ Bill
- They’re working!
- There was a power issue during the month, the net went on without issue
- Trustee Report, Dave KR4U
- The station operated well during field day
- website report, William
- website appears to be working well, send any posts or reports, or corrections
what brand or model of radio dill Bill talk about during his presentation? the first person to tell me gets 2 tickets in this week’s draw?
Old Business:
- Board meeting on July 19th
- Balloon launch will be presentation next month
- Open House, tailgate. Date will be sent out.
- WRMI in Okeechobee, W4BPP will organize
New Business:
- 13th colony special event is ongoing starting today
- NAQP RTTY contests upcoming, contact AA2MF or W4CU
Elmering Session
- An excellent discussion on lightning protection, coax mating, and other physical connection topics.
- A rundown of field day
- The worst phonetic alphabet ever
- QRP bill with his Lab599 discovery
Ham fests
- TARCfest 8/20
Contest Report:
- Pat provided a run down of upcoming contests contact him for information
Meeting Adjourned 21:05
50/50 Raffle is held