Meeting called to order at 1930 via zoom call
Minutes by Charles, W4BPP
Executive members in attendance:
President: Pat Connelly, AA0O
Vice-President: Lisa Neuscheler, KC1YL
Treasurer: Tom Wedding, AI4QP
Board Member: Dee Turner, N4GD
Board Member: John Toth, KI4UIP
Past President: Bob Wanek, N2ESP
Club Trustee: Dave, KR4U
40 at max attendance
Meeting start and check-in:
- The meeting opening with the pledge of allegiance
- New members and first timers recognized and introduced themselves
- Roundtable of members/roll call style check-in
- Secretary’s Report:
- Review of last meeting and receipt of various reports recorded
- minutes from last meeting on website
- Treasurer report:
- All income and expenses are rectified and in balance
- 4 new members accepted into club during the month
- VP report:
- No report for this month
- Net Manager Report, Billy KN4LUZ
- 808 check in
- 46 messages
- 1517 minutes
- 39 sessions
- AJ4DG with record 32 check-in
- Trustee Report, Dave KR4U
- DMI is all status quo
- No update on roof repairs
- 40m check out inconclusive, pulsing in AM, NY4I has not provided an update
- Will continue checking with Duke Energy re noise issues, no luck in contacting
- Pat will hand over brackets at next VE session
- KI4UP assisting to get Zero Five 80m-10m vertical planned for installation
- Website updates:
- Will be updated with new executive staff post meeting
- Repeater Report. Dee N4GD
- Dee says all 3 seem to be working well
- VE report
- 2 sessions, good results. 4 of 7 passed a test
- 8 scheduled for next session, January filling up
- Now filing electronically for much faster call signs
Old Business:
- USA Coach fest and rod run held November 14th
- Went well.
- Club Tower:
- No updates
- Repeater Trustee KP2N Ron wants to resign as trustee
New Business:
- Pat AA0O Donation from Pete M (SK) of equipment for us to sell
- Pat AA0O We have a table at Tampa bay ham fest, happy to have volunteers. Will take various items including recent donations to sell
- Pat AA0O Topic brought up to use paypal to accept Dues
- Motion passes to create a paypal, and club eats any fees or loss of dues related to fees (expected to be a maximum of ~$.91 per payment of $20).
- Should fees result in exorbitant loss of funds an evaluation of raising paypal due fees for 2022 can be discussed in late 2021
- Ed NZ1Q mentions another Coach Fest and Rod Run in ~march of 2021
- Dave KR4U mentions a board meeting, one is scheduled for December 9th
- Ed NZ1Q mentions the 9am daily round table
- Bob N2ESP swears in new officers
Contest Report:
- Pat provides a rundown of contests coming ahead
Meeting Adjourned 20:52