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Minutes of SPARC Meeting – August 4, 2017


7:30PM, the meeting was called to order. Pledge of Allegiance, self introductions and acknowledgment of guests were made. Secretary’s Minutes for July’s club meeting were posted to the club’s website and accepted by the membership. Bob – N2ESP, read the Treasurer’s Report, Rick – KK4WTE, read the Net Manager’s Report and Ron – KP2N, reported the repeaters are working well. Donn – N4KII, gave the VE Report, one new Technician and one new General from July 18th’s testing session and four new Technicians from July 22’s test session. All reports were accepted by the membership. New member, Al – N4NBM, was welcomed into the club by the membership.
Old Business – The membership was reminded to check the club’s website for the latest information concerning the club and various related activities.
New Business – TARC Fest will be held at the Tampa Amateur Radio Club August 19th and the 2017 Solar Eclipse QSO Party be held August 21st. The St. Petersburg Science Fest will be held October 20th – 21st and the membership authorized a $30 entrance fee and a call for CW operators was made to participate at the club’s display station. The membership was informed of a new radio club in Tampa and their two new repeaters, 146.7900 and 444.225. Break was called at 8:PM.
8:10PM, the meeting was called to order and the program for the evening was Repair which was presented by Lee -W9DKC. Meeting ended 8:50PM.

Respectfully submitted,

SPARC Secretary

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