St. Petersburg Amateur Radio Club
Minutes of Monthly Meeting
Friday, August 2, 2024
The Business portion of the meeting was called to order at 21:14
The minutes of the June and July Club Meetings need to be posted on the club’s website.
Club Treasurer, Will, W7WMS gave the monthly Treasurer’s Report and the membership approved the Treasurer’s Report by a majority vote.
Acting Club Secretary, Bruce, KF4TYA submitted the minutes for the July 2024 meeting.
Carol, AB4YI gave the Vice President’s report. She reported that the club’s website crashed on 7/27/24 (Saturday)
• Requested Bruce, KF4TYA to provide photographs so that the website’s photos may be updated
• Next Executive Board Meeting, a change in the Club’s webhosting will be discussed
Will, W7WMS gave a membership report with the club having a total of 126 members with 67 of those members holding a current ARRL Membership
The membership voted on the acceptance of a new member, KQ4MON, James Stahl. The new member was approved in a majority vote.
Pat, AAØO, gave the results of the last VE Testing session on July 16, 2024. The results were as follows:
One upgrade to General
John Mejia, N4MBZ
One upgrade to Extra
Angela Basham, KQ4GRW
Pat also mentioned that candidates who don’t pass the first time, can make a second attempt to pass a test on the same VE testing day if time permits.
Net manager’s Report, someone will reach out to Billy, KN4LUZ
Ed, NZ1Q gave the repeater report.
• Total QNI: 506
• Total QTC: 32
• Total QND: 944 minutes (34 sessions)
Repeater Trustee, Dee, N4GD reported that while he did not recently assess the functionality of the repeater, he will go ahead and check it.
Tom, W4CU, Station Activities Coordinator has stepped down, effective immediately. The club is looking for a replacement. The person in this position must hold an Extra Class license. The Station activites Coordinator will be responsible for the coordination of activities and contests.
Dave, KR4U Gave a report on the club station, (W4GAC). Everything is working correctly.
The club’s webmaster, Zach, KO4WPO was not present for the meeting and no report was rendered.
Bruce, KF4TYA, SPARC Gap editor, mentioned that he is still waiting on the newsletter from April 2024 to be distributed to the membership. Ed, NZ1Q advised that he placed a link to the current newsletter on the club’s Facebook page. Additionally he mentioned that he is always looking for volunteers and article submissions.
It was also mentioned that the club will not be participating in the NAQP RTTY Contest from 7/20/24-7/21/24, due to a possible lack of interest.
Old Business
• It was also mentioned that the club station is open before meetings and VE Testing.
• The formation of the By-Laws Committee is still in the works.
• ARRL Membership must be at 51% or higher for the club to retain its affiliation with the ARRL
The Business Meeting was adjourned at 21:30