Meeting called to order by Bob N2ESP at 7:30 PM followed by the Pledge of allegiance. Moment of silence for Scott N4RI. Acknowledgment of guests and club member introductions were done. Secretary’s Minuets for the July meeting are posted on the club website voted and accepted by the membership. Treasure’s report was given by Tom AI4QP. CLUB BALANCE: $5477.40 as of July 30, 2018. Rick KK4WTE gave the Net Managers Report. MONTHLY TOTALS: QNI 512, QTC 35, QND 1005, SESSIONS 40. Presented Net Managers Awards to Leslie WA4EEZ and Linda KI4RV. Dave KR4U gave the Club Trustee report, spoke about how well we did in July NAQP contest and how well the station updates are working. The club repeater report was given my Trustee Ron KP2N, everything is working well. Membership report given by Bob N2ESP, three new members, Homer Humble KN4OBG, Philip Penley KN4OBH and a welcome back to Sherman Bywater KC4YBW were introduced and voted in. The VE Report was given by Don N4KII, ARRL testing at DMI, 3 Techs, 1 General, 1 Extra. Lealman Fire Station W5YI, 2 Techs. OLD BUSINESS: Bob N2ESP reported CERT is still using our repeater on the 1st and 3rd Thursday and there operation is doing well. NEW BUSINESS: Bob N2ESP reported Winter Field Day at the Clearwater Fire station is set for January 26 and 27. The TARC Fest in Tampa is set for Aug 18th. The SPARC ExBoard Meeting is set for Aug 25th at 2PM. Alan KO4CR would like to start a Rain Report as part of the Radio NEWS Line on our 2 meters repeater. Timing for this activity will be determined with Ron KP2N. Meeting Break called at 7:45 PM. Meeting Called back to order 7:55 PM. Program: Dean W8IM, The History of the SS American Victory Ship now located at Tampa Bay Port. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM. Respectfully submitted, Rich AA2MF Secretary