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Posts published in “Operating”

SPARC wants your participation in the Florida QSO Party

SPARC wants your participation in the Florida QSO Party

SPARC has registered to participate in the April 29 – 30, 2023 Florida QSO Party (FQP) using the newly relocated and updated club station. The club has earned numerous First Place FQP Awards in the past – the most recent being in 2019 just before COVID.

The club is looking for the participation of everyone who wants to improve operating skills or learn about contesting on HF. Please note that all members can operate regardless of license class since Extra class Click for more

2022 Year in Review

Sunset at DMI before December 20th VE session

During my research for the update to the SPARC History page, I came across the Year in Review post from our previous Club President Bob N2ESP and that inspired me to write one for this year.  I feel that SPARC had a great 2022 and 2023 is looking good too.

We started out the year with Winter Field Day, collaborating with CARS and UPARC, the event was setup at the Clearwater Fire Training center.   Due to forecasted low temperatures and … Click for more

Winter Field Day

Winter Field Day will be held in January. Mark your calendar for January 28th and 29th, 2023. SPARC plans to participate. Details will be provided as the date approaches.

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Note for FT8 Operators

The FT Roundup Operating event will be held starting the afternoon of Saturday December 3rd and running through Sunday the 4th. The club station will not be activated but you may like to participate from home. Full details on the easy setup and operation can be found at the FT Roundup Home:

The exchange will be unusual. RST and State/Province will replace the usual Grid Square and dB report. WSJT-X has an advanced function that automatically translates db reports to an RST and sets up exchanges for you that … Click for more

“Clean Sweep” for the SPARC Club Station

The SPARC club used the ARRL Phone Sweepstakes to train new operators, and those who have not participated in the Sweepstakes before. We also conducted antenna evaluations. We did not expect a “Clean Sweep” which requires contacts with all 84 US and Canadian sections. But we got the sweep through a team effort of nine hams.

The team used only 16 of the 24 hours allowed. Additionally the sweep was accomplished used only one operating position – forfeiting use of a second mult (multiplier) position. Participating were: WQ4DVG, KO4WPO, KB9LXM, … Click for more

SPARC September Operating Event – CQ WW DX RTTY

Operators and Trainees Needed: The CQ Worldwide DX RTTY Contest is a major event. The last time SPARC entered the club finished #9 US, #9 North America and #39 World with 38 hours of operation. Present Club members in that effort were KR4U, N2ESP, WA4EEZ and W4CU. The contest offers the chance to work great HF DX. Details can be found at:
All are invited learn RTTY operation from experienced operators. Stop in any time during the weekend to operate, learn or just to see what’s going on.

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