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Posts published in “Operating”

SKYWARN Basic Spotter Training Available

WHO: Open to all, but you must be 18 to receive an I.D.

Skywarn Logo

WHAT: SKYWARN Basic Spotter training by the National Weather Service.

For more information on SKYWARN, click here.

WHEN: Tuesday, December 15 at 7:00 PM

 WHERE: Pinellas Coty EOC   10750 Ulmerton Rd. Largo, FL 33778

Seating is limited to 100 people so sign up by clicking here.

For additional information, contact:

Clayton Parrott, KJ4RUS

Emergency Management Coordinator

Pinellas County Emergency Management

(727) 464-4526

Related Images:

SPARC at the St. Petersburg Science Festival

<h5by Bob Wanek, N2ESP —

Not a bad place to spend a Saturday...
Not a bad place to spend a Saturday…

The weather was perfect with a cooling breeze blowing over our waterfront venue. The 20M vertical and VHF/UHF Yagi antennas rose above the tent that provided us shade from the Florida sun. Signage identified our mission as strange sounds emanated from the radios we had set up. This was the scene at the SPARC booth as the 2015 St. Petersburg Science Festival got underway.
Tom, NY4I was searching for satellites to work aided by the custom antenna … Click for more

Attracting New Hams with Bright, Shiny Objects

As you may have read on this site, SPARC is setting up a display at the St. Pete Science Festival. This is the first year I have been in town to attend so I thought it would be a “cool” display to go “whole-hog” with the satellite demonstrations. One of the things that first drew me to amateur satellites was, believe it or not, the rotor turning automatically. I visited a ham in Salt Lake City and he had two beams (2m and 440) on a common boom and they … Click for more

Field Day – the President’s Perspective

First, I would like to thank our outgoing Field Day Chairman Dave, KR4U for his years of service and many memorable field days. Dave handed over the reins to this year to new chairman, Tom, NY4I. Thanks Tom for organizing a successful event.

In addition to a new chairman, lots of things changed this year’s field day. Our new location at DMI worked out well. While a true field day experience may not be air conditioned, our group has years of experience working under hot, humid, rainy conditions. Another year … Click for more

Who will copy the Field Day bulletin?

We still need a volunteer to copy the Field Day Bulletin. This is an easy 100 points.

2015 Field Day Bulletin Schedule
You can copy this from home on Friday night or if you are a purist, from the Field Day site. The radios should be setup by 11:00 AM for the phone bulletin on Saturday if you want to copy it from there.
Again, getting back to the stated purpose of Field Day, imagine we had to setup in the field for a communications emergency. Copy
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