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Posts published in “Field Day”

Who will copy the Field Day bulletin?

We still need a volunteer to copy the Field Day Bulletin. This is an easy 100 points.

2015 Field Day Bulletin Schedule
You can copy this from home on Friday night or if you are a purist, from the Field Day site. The radios should be setup by 11:00 AM for the phone bulletin on Saturday if you want to copy it from there.
Again, getting back to the stated purpose of Field Day, imagine we had to setup in the field for a communications emergency. Copy
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Field Day Operating Signup

For your review, here is a link to the sign-up sheet for operating at Field Day.

Note we have three stations: CW Only, CW/SSB/PSK and SSB Only.

The CW/SSB/PSK station will be on whatever mode we have the requisite operators. This way we can keep the station busy.


I will post this sheet at the antenna setup on Friday morning at 10:00 and when we get to the site on Saturday at 9:00 AM. People that attend either setup can sign up at Click for more

Field Day Preparation Underway

Field Day preparation by the Antenna, Radio and Computer teams took place on Saturday. In the photo below, John, KI4UIP, Hal, W1EES; Tom, NY4I; Dave, KR4U and Johnnie, W4TSP work on two HF radios.

FD 2015 Prep2

Below, the CW station gets tweaked by Tom, W4CU and Ron, KP2N.

FD 2015 Prep4

Below, Ron has identified a problem with the CW configuration.

FD 2015 Prep3

We will be setting up antennas on Friday, June 26 at 10:00 AM. All help is appreciated. Field Day setup will begin at 9:00AM on Saturday, June 27th. Lunch for those arriving early and … Click for more

Field Day Update June 1, 2015

SPARC Field Day 2015

Field Day is an ARRL operating event where amateurs setup portable stations using temporary (non-fixed) antennas and radios. Field Day is a test to allow us to establish emergency communications. The contest part of Field Day helps train operators on handling a high volume of messages that would be required during an actual communications emergency. It is also a time to have fun, socialize and learn something new about amateur radio.

This year SPARC will conduct Field Day at the DMI Facility where SPARC normally holds … Click for more

Field Day 2015

2015 ARRL Field Day Logo Field Day

The 2015 ARRL Field Day weekend is June 27-28, 2015.

“But, Tom, I’m a new ham and I have never heard of Field Day. What’s that?” I am so glad you asked. Field Day is an amateur radio exercise where we setup temporary antennas in a portable operation to test our ability to create functioning amateur radio stations without using established communication equipment (fixed antennas, stations, etc). This event combines an emergency preparedness exercise with a contest and a fun club outing to spend the weekend hamming.

Yes, … Click for more

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