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Posts published in “Field Day”

Field Day 2017

Join us June 23rd, 24th and 25th at the SPARC club house for this year’s ARRL FD activities.

2016 SPARC Field Day

Our goal is not a big score, but for everyone to take part and experience station setup and getting on the air.

  • Field Day setup begins on Friday at 2:00PM. We will begin station configuration. This includes tables, antennas, radios, computers, and power.
  • Saturday morning, beginning at 10:00AM, we will finish station setup and verify all systems are go. We will form Ad Hoc
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Random Lessons from 30+ Years of Field Days

by: Tom Schaefer, NY4I

First, these are my own opinions, but I thought the club might enjoy some things I have picked up over the years. I have seen all of these things actually happen.

  1. Going to Field Day is the best ham radio best decision you will ever make!
  2. This one is only half-joking…The most dangerous place to be is between the Field Day site and the parking lot at 1759z on Sunday afternoon. Teardown starts at 1800z so it is the really committed (and tired) that hang around
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All 2016 Field Day Photos Uploaded

2016 Field Day is over. Many thanks to Coy, KK4JMP our field day chairman for putting together an exciting event.

After clicking on the title of this article, click here for 2016 Field Day Photos.


  • Tom, AI4QP
  • Stephan, K4SHK
  • Howard, KC3BIO
  • Donn, N4KII

Thanks for all the great photos guys.

Related Images:

May Meeting Program Update

At the May 6th club meeting our program will include several examples of a “Go Box.” These portable communications centers can easily be

Sample Go Box
Sample Go Box

transported by one person, setup quickly and provide communications on different bands and modes during emergencies or other communication events..

Learn about their purpose, capabilities, how to plan and make your own. Our presenters will each demonstrate their own projects. We will hear from: Andy, KI4VOS; Udo, KF4KUL and
Clayton, KJ4RUS. We also plan to fire up some of the equipment as a demonstration.
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Field Day 2016

By Coy, KK4JMP, Field Day Chairman


Field Day 2016, a local and national amateur radio association promoted by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), as an2016 Field Day Logo educational, radio operating and public relations event where radio operators all over America work and make as many contacts as possible on all amateur radio bands throughout Florida and across the nation and some foreign countries and regions under abnormal conditions and unique radio operating situations. Field Day experiences helps to develop skills among amateur radio operators to meet the challenges of emergency … Click for more

Field Day – the President’s Perspective

First, I would like to thank our outgoing Field Day Chairman Dave, KR4U for his years of service and many memorable field days. Dave handed over the reins to this year to new chairman, Tom, NY4I. Thanks Tom for organizing a successful event.

In addition to a new chairman, lots of things changed this year’s field day. Our new location at DMI worked out well. While a true field day experience may not be air conditioned, our group has years of experience working under hot, humid, rainy conditions. Another year … Click for more

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