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Posts published in “Field Day”

SPARC Field Day Results & Video

The 2024 SPARC Field Day was attended by 47 Hams, guests and visitors. Twenty two individuals operated and shared in reaching 1924 QSOs. The breakdown of QSOs was 800 on phone, 671 on CW and 453 on FT8. The Club’s total submitted score was 6,796 with 6096 points attributed to contacts and 700 bonus points for items such as media publicity, sending formal messages, copying the ARRL Field Day message, and site visits by an elected official. The picnic lunch/dinner event was enjoyed by all who attended. Over all, Field … Click for more

Join Field Day at SPARC, June 22-23

The St. Petersburg Amateur Radio Club will hold its annual ARRL Field Day 2024 operating event from Saturday, June 22, 2024, through Sunday, June 23, 2024. The Field Day activities will commence at 14:00 local time on 6/22 and end at 16:59 local time on 6/23.
Field Day is an important and fun annual event for the Amateur Radio Community. The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) has been holding it annually every June since 1933. This will be the ARRL’s 91st Annual Field Day event.
Field Day is a
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SPARC Field Day Video


The video covering most of the efforts by the SPARC operators was captured by 3 participants and put together in a short video on the SPARC YouTube channel.

Video Here

Related Images:

Field Day Results are In

AA2MF - Operating 5 Positions
Rich AA2MF operating all 5 FT8 positions on 5 different bands early Sunday Morning

Field Day produced good results for SPARC. The group  of operators listed below worked a total of 1643 QSOs. Of those 759 were made by CW, 702 by FT8/4 , and 182 by SSB. Our score based on QSOs alone was 6,208. Dave KR4U added 100 points to that total by copying the ARRL Field Day Message. Another 50 points was added by submitting our results on ARRL’s submission page.

FD rules allow any club member … Click for more

SPARC Field Day 2023 Signup

SPARC Field Day will be on June 24-25th at our club station location, DMI Research, 6699 90th Ave N, Pinellas Park, FL.  We’ll start at 12pm Saturday with station familiarization and a little practice, the on-the-air operating event starts at 2pm Saturday and runs through 2pm Sunday.  

We’ll be operating as 4-Delta with stations on SSB, CW, and Digital(FT8, etc).   We’ll be using Yaesu FT-1000 radios and N1MM logging software.   Operation will be indoors with Air Conditioning.

If you are planning to attend, please fill out the form using the … Click for more

2022 Year in Review

Sunset at DMI before December 20th VE session

During my research for the update to the SPARC History page, I came across the Year in Review post from our previous Club President Bob N2ESP and that inspired me to write one for this year.  I feel that SPARC had a great 2022 and 2023 is looking good too.

We started out the year with Winter Field Day, collaborating with CARS and UPARC, the event was setup at the Clearwater Fire Training center.   Due to forecasted low temperatures and … Click for more

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