SPARC contesters enjoyed entering W4TA in the newly reestablished Makrothen RTTY contest. Makrothen is a Greek word meaning distance. In spite of poor propagation, the SPARC team made 541 QSOs with a claimed score of 2,203,706 points.

Besides this being the start of contest season, we also have some other events that you might want to check out.
On October 13 through October 15, there is the Makrothen RTTY contest at the club station. See here for more info….
On October 21, it’s the St. Petersburg Science Festival. Look for more info here and at the club meeting but this is a chance to spend a great day on the waterfront in St. Pete showing amateur radio to kids of all ages.
On October 28 in … Click for more
During the WPX Contest earlier this year, SPARC posted a score of 2,810,572 points in the Multi-operator, Single Transmitter category. This was good enough to win 1st place in the US 4th call area, 7th place in the country and 23rd in the World. This was a team effort of the following operators: KA4IOX, KB8ESY, KR4U, KP2N, N2ESP, N4BUA, N4RI, NY4I, VE3XD, W4CU ad W4TSP. The full results are available on the CQ WPX RTTY Website as well as the write up in the July 2017 edition of CQ … Click for more
Dean, W8IM. earned 3rd place worldwide in the 10M PSK31 QSO Party that is sponsored by 10-10 International. What makes this accomplishment more amazing is that Dean won in the QRP category! An accomplished CW operator, Dean decided to expand his horizons with PSK31. Congratulations Dean. Click the title to see Dean’s certificate.