The SPARC Contesters invite everyone to come out and operate the CQ WPX SSB contest starting at 8:00 PM on Friday, March 23. We will be at the club station to work as many stations as we can–all on phone. The WPX contest is a fun contest as we use a rare prefix (NY4) which makes us a multiplier and hence, a desired station to work. You can experience what it is like to operate on the “other side” of the pileup. Rates of 100 contacts an hour are not … Click for more
Posts published in “Contesting”
In yet another new feature to bring more contesting to you, you can now watch the SPARC contesters live in the shack. Click here to go to the Upcoming HF Events page here and you can watch a live bird’s eye view of the stations operating. It is video only (no sound). We will be down there until 1:00 AM Sunday morning.
You can also watch how we are doing with our real-time score board available here.
While we hope people can make it to the station, this is the … Click for more
This past weekend (February 10th – 11th, 2018), the SPARC Contesters activated the SPARC club station again to participate in the CQ WPX RTTY Contest. You may recall that in last year’s effort, SPARC achieved the highest score in our history and had the top score in the 4th call area. We also had the 7th highest score in the US in the Multi-operator, Single transmitter category.

The WPX RTTY contest, sponsored … Click for more