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Posts published in “Contesting”

Are You Ready to RTTY…


As announced at the last meeting, will be participating as W4TA in the North American QSO Party-RTTY.

This contest begins at 2:00 PM local time on Saturday July 20, 2019. The contest continues for 12 hours, ending early Sunday morning. W4TA will be operating in class M2, i.e. two transmitters will be on the air at the same time, but on different bands. 

This contest is a great chance for newcomers to get your feet wet in digital contesting. WARNING: RTTY contesting is addictive, so plan to stay awhile. Click for more

Who Needs Propagation?

SPARC members were out in force for the 2019 Open Season QSO Party sponsored by Ten-Ten Net International, Inc. Using PSK 31, 5 watts and a flagpole antenna, Robert aka Dean, W8IM won not one but three certificates as shown below: 1st Place QRP, 3rd Place World, and 1st Place 8th call area.

W8IM Third Place World
W8IM First Place QRP
W8IM First Place 8th Call Area

Terrific effort Dean. Dean also noted that SPARC members Leslie, WA4EEZ and Dave, WS1ETI participated in the contest.


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2019 Florida QSO Party Report

Wyoming and North Dakota proved elusive during the 2019 Florida QSO Party.

Building on our half-time report, we completed the 2019 Florida QSO Party under very tough 40 meter conditions with 1185 QSOs. Our goal was to defend our 2018 Club win and get some new operators on the radios. We ran two stations—20 and 40 meters. 40 meters during the day was quite challenging as 10 and 15 meters are not much use nowadays. We had 630 CW QSOs and  555 SSB QSOs. Dave KR4U had the high … Click for more

Florida QSO Party – Halftime Report

States and Providences worked so far.

We started the party Saturday April 27 at the club station at Noon. We had Bob N2ESP, Dave KR4U, Johnnie W4TSP, Dee N4GD, Tom NY4I, Rex KB8ESY, Ron KP2N and Glenn N4GRC as operators. We ran two stations the whole time with one on CW and one on SSB. Dave KR4U, Ron KP2N and Tom NY4I manned the CW station with the others working the SSB station. Our goal is to remain competitive with last year’s winning score as well as train a few … Click for more

SPARC – Top Florida Club Station in 2018 Florida QSO Party

Photo by Pat AA0O

While working on Tom NY4I’s tower project, Dan K1TO hand-delivered the above plaque for SPARC. It seems that in the 2018 Florida QSO Party (FQP), we WON the top Florida Club honors.  The results from the FQP show the following:

You can find the write-up of the results here on the FQP site. Note while the list above shows those that operated in the log, many thanks to Ron KP2N for all his efforts to organize this effort. Ron suggested we switch to the Multi-op, Multi-transmitter Click for more

SPARC Scores High in 2019 RTTY Roundup

The ARRL has announced the preliminary results for the 2019 RTTY Roundup held the first weekend this past January.

In the Multioperator, single transmitter, low power class the W4TA team finished third place overall and first in W4 land!

N8LRG 109,557
K9NR 103,360
W4TA 88,780 – First in W4 land

Bob, N2ESP
Dee, N4GD
Leslie, WA4EEZ
Don, VE3XD

SPARC Members of the “W4TA Green Key Bunch” were Don, VE3XD, Leslie, WA4EEZ, Dee, N4GD, Tom, W4CU, Dave, KR4U, Rex, KB8ESY, Paul, KA4IOX, Tom, NY4I, Bob, N2ESP and Ron, KP2N.

For the … Click for more

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