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Posts published in “Contesting”

SPARC NAQP RTTY 2023 Results!

NAQP RTTY LogoSPARC Participated in the NAQP RTTY Contest Saturday, and we’re proud to share our scores!

At the time of posting, SPARC is 18th place by score of ALL scores in the world, 5th place overall in our class (multi-op multi-transmitter), and 1st of the stations submitted under the Florida Contest Group!

Here’s our score summary, and you can view the results of the contest so far here

North American QSO Party, RTTY - July

Call: W4TA
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SPARC’S next Operating Event will use Radio Teletype

Original RTTY
Classic Teletype Machine with paper output now replaced by computer program and screen

Radio teletype or RTTY is easy to learn and fun to use. The club will be entering the North American QSO Party RTTY event which starts at 2:00 pm Eastern on Saturday July 15 and runs for 12 hours. Like all our Operating Events this is open to all members. We will be entering in the Multioperator Two-Transmitter (M2) division so there will be operating time for everyone even trainees new to RTTY. Visitors are welcome.

The … Click for more

SPARC Field Day Video


The video covering most of the efforts by the SPARC operators was captured by 3 participants and put together in a short video on the SPARC YouTube channel.

Video Here

Related Images:

Jack – W1BBU SK, June 13, 2023

From Jack’s QRZ page:
“I was first licensed in 1957 as a Novice as KN1EJT. Upgraded to Tech and later Conditional as K1EJT. In 1969 and 1970 was YB0AAC, one of the first two foreign amateurs legally licensed in Indonesia. In 1971 was authorized to use KR6JH by US authorities in Okinawa (Ryukyu Islands). Upgraded to Advanced class KF4SX in 1985. After the death of my father, who was licensed as W1BBU circa 1927, I applied for and received his call – W1BBU.
Member of ARRL, St Petersburg Amateur
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Is CW dead? Not for Dan AI4RJ

During the SPARC operation in the Florida QSO Party Dan AI4RJ made the vast majority of all CW contacts. He operated on all bands and during one 95 minute stretch on 20 meters his QSO rate was 104 contacts per hour. His call sign was omitted from the original FQP article.

Related Images:

SPARC’s FQP results and station video.

SPARC Station and Operators Performed Well Despite the Conditions.

The SPARC team represented Pinellas County well during the Florida QSO Party (FQP).
 During the event stations throughout the US and Canada strive to work as many counties in Florida as possible. Florida stations are essentially the “DX” and call CQ. Propagation during the contest was fair to poor. Local noise on 40 and 10 meters was a constant S9.
The weather was threatening over the weekend, and 9 of the 18 operators were in training. Nevertheless, the following excellent
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