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Posts published in “Contesting”

Field Day 2017

Join us June 23rd, 24th and 25th at the SPARC club house for this year’s ARRL FD activities.

2016 SPARC Field Day

Our goal is not a big score, but for everyone to take part and experience station setup and getting on the air.

  • Field Day setup begins on Friday at 2:00PM. We will begin station configuration. This includes tables, antennas, radios, computers, and power.
  • Saturday morning, beginning at 10:00AM, we will finish station setup and verify all systems are go. We will form Ad Hoc
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Enjoying the Dayton Hamvention Without Actually Going

Anyone that has been involved with amateur radio for any period of time has most likely heard tales of the Dayton Hamvention. If you have never been, it is an event unlike anything you can imagine. Rows and rows of tables in the outdoor area where you can find most anything you desire related to this wonderful hobby. Inside is crammed full of vendors with all the latest gear. Going to Dayton is something every ham should do at least once in their ham radio experience. Dayton also has extra-curricular … Click for more

FQP: A Big Struggle, A Big Success

By Bob Wanek N2ESP

This year, SPARC contest station W4TA participated in the Florida QSO Party with a special 1×1 call: W4S. 2017 marks the 20th anniversary of the FQP. In celebration, twenty Florida stations were given special 1×1 calls such that the proper suffixes, when combined together, spell out FLORIDA SUN as part of this year’s FQP spelling bee. That means that the rest of the country was looking for us.

N4RI works the CW station [N2ESPhoto]
Things started slowly for the CW station on 40M while the SSB … Click for more

Join Us to Create a Pile Up

This month, join the contesters at SPARC Contest station W4TA as they use the special 1×1 call sign W4S in the Florida QSO Party. The object of the Florida QSO Party is for everyone to work Florida (67 counties) and Florida to work everyone.

This year is the 20th anniversary of the FQP. In celebration, twenty Florida stations have been given special 1×1 calls such that when the proper suffixes are combined together spell out FLORIDA SUN (e.g. SUN = W4S & K4U & W4NClick for more

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