Field Day Picnic for SPARC Members/Guests: A volunteer has been found to cater picnic food from 2:00pm to 6:00pm Saturday June 22nd. The menu includes hot dogs with all the fixins, potato salad, cold slaw and sodas. Given the weather forecast, food will be served inside DMI. Bring some chips or cookies to share if you can.
Your Help is Needed: One person can’t work alone. So we still need some volunteers to set up tables and chairs. Volunteers should show up around 1:15 – 1:30 pm and some evening … Click for more
Posts published in “Collecting”
These events are for all SPARC members. Also invited are operators from other area clubs, Hams visiting the area and anyone interested in learning more about Amateur Radio
Name: ARRL International DX Contest, SSB
Date/Time: 7:00pm Mar 1 to 7:00pm Mar 3
Note: Work DX with your own call.
We will set up a log for you.
If you are interested in participating in operating, training or just observing operations, notify Tom W4CU ( to register and obtain additional details.
If there is sufficient interest, the operating events will … Click for more
James Osborne, KI4EN, became a Silent Key at 93 at the VA hospital at Bay Pines on 7/27. He was a WW2 veteran. He lived for 40 years in St. Petersburg and was known by many local hams. He built and repaired of radio equipment for himself and others and has a large inventory of parts and tools.
James’ son, Jim K7LYQ, is advising us the estate sale has been postponed by hurricane Irma until September 29th through October 1st and will include the following ham equipment:
- Henry 2K-4L amplifier
If you missed last Friday’s meeting, you missed a fine presentation by Kyle, N4NSS on his “sub-hobby” of collecting CW keys. The photos show Kyle in action at the SPARC meeting, as well as a close up of his collection. Click on title to display photos and click on a photo to enlarge it.

Thanks for sharing your collection with us.
Photos by AI4QP.