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Posts published in “Club Station”

Medical Research Opportunities from DMI

Next week, DMI, the research organization where our HF station W4GAC & W4TA are located is conducting research on a product to treat migraine headaches. There will be a one hour Zoom meeting and the pay is $75.00 for qualified individuals. If you are interested in participating, call 727 548-9600.

The first week of February, they are beginning a study to inject antibodies for Covid for those who cannot get vaccine or the vaccine would not be that effective. Over 60 years of age, over weight, heart conditions, immune compromised … Click for more

Repeater Trustee Request

The SPARC repeater system has FCC mandated 3 minute timeout requirement programmed into its RC-210 controller.  This holds true for all amateur radio repeaters under FCC license.

Most hams using the SPARC system, for the most part, are using programmable radios that have a timeout (TOT) feature in the software.  I am requesting you program your TOT to less than 3 minutes.  This would help to keep our repeaters from timing out from the occasional stuck microphone switch or shorted PTT line.

Our system also has a BEEP signal that … Click for more

Coronas all around…RFI too?

Dave KR4U reported that he was contacted by Duke Energy with an update on the RF noise at the station. Duke went to the site with a “corona detecting camera” presumably to detect any arcing on various power components. This corona is the electrical arcing kind, not the drinking kind nor that other one in the news lately. They found 12 leaking insulators! Duke has ordered the parts and will contact Dave again once they are replaced. That will hopefully significantly reduce the noise level at the club … Click for more

Club Station Update – Tower Removal Work Party

As you may recall, the club experienced damage due to the tornado in Pinellas Park last week.

Club tower bent over from the tornado
Club tower bent over from the tornado

Dave KR4U, John KI4UIP, Pat AA0O and Billy KN4LUZ were on site to work on the project (The author arrives late so anyone was had already left, please accept my apology for the omission).

The tower was bent just above the first section nesting point. With the help of a crane secured by Pat AA0O, the tower was safely lowered on Thursday 2/13 along with the … Click for more

SPARC Tower Damage from Pinellas Park Tornado

The recent tornado that passed through Pinellas Park on Thursday February 6th was not kind to SPARC. While this damage pales in comparison to people that had trees fall on their homes; nonetheless, the tower at the club station suffered some damage such that it will not crank down. The tower appears to have bent at the base of the joint where the sections overlap. One element on the log periodic antennas appears damaged as well.

Club tower bent

Further behind the club station, you can see from this picture … Click for more

Another W4TA RTTY Win

W4TA, the SPARC Contest Group, continues its winning ways by taking First Place in both the West Central Florida section and ARRL Southeast Division as well as Third Place in USA/Canada in the Multi-operator, Single transmitter, Low power category of the 2019 RTTY Roundup.ARRL RTTY Roundup 2019 Award certificate

Posting a score of 88,788 points were: Paul KA4IOX, Rex KB8ESY, Ron KP2N, Dave KR4U, Bob N2ESP, Dee N4GD, Don VE3XD, Tom W4CU, Johnnie W4TSP and Leslie WA4EEZ.

If you are interested in joining this elite group of operators in the 2020 RTTY Roundup, save January Click for more

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