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Posts published in “Club Station”

Station move at DMI, Part 2.

Further progress is being made on the SPARC station move to a different room at DMI.

See the video Here.

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Moving the SPARC Station, Jan 2023

The SPARC club radio station is in the process of moving within the DMI Research building.  The work is being done in stages with the removal of everything from the old shack a couple of weeks ago.  The video clip link (below) is of the latest phase from Jan 21 beginning the process of cleaning both rooms and starting the wiring.  The AC facilities were added several weeks ago with the assembly of the antenna switchboard and the removal of old antenna cabling this past weekend. 

Enjoy the video clip… Click for more

2022 Year in Review

Sunset at DMI before December 20th VE session

During my research for the update to the SPARC History page, I came across the Year in Review post from our previous Club President Bob N2ESP and that inspired me to write one for this year.  I feel that SPARC had a great 2022 and 2023 is looking good too.

We started out the year with Winter Field Day, collaborating with CARS and UPARC, the event was setup at the Clearwater Fire Training center.   Due to forecasted low temperatures and … Click for more

SPARC Open House – Sunday October 24th 11a-3pm

Just a reminder that SPARC is hosting it’s open house on Sunday the 24th of October from 11-3pm. Several folks have already RSVPed but there is plenty of times to come out, and no time slot is filled at the moment. There will be donuts and coffee and the opportunity to see our club station in action, ask questions, get some elmering, and even to get on the air…. come out regardless of your license, our control operators will all be Extras so you’ll have a chance to play on … Click for more

Tower discussion meeting this Saturday Feb 27th at 10am

This is just a reminder that we are having a discussion on what to do about the tower for the club station.  The meeting will take place outside DMI Research (6699 90th Ave N, Pinellas Park) at 10am this Saturday Feb 27th.  All members are welcome, especially if you have tower, metalworking and/or pulley system experience.

There will be VE testing going on at the same time so please be quiet if you need to enter the building.


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