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Posts published in “Club Station”

New SPARC 220 MHz Repeater Installed

Ron, KP2N, and Dee, N4GD, installing the new WA4AKH 220 MHZ SPARC repeater. Please visit us on 224.660 MHz, no tone required.

KP2N (L) and N4GD (R) installing repeater

SPARC also has repeaters on 147.060 MHZ, no tone, and 444.475 MHZ (tone 146.2). When in the area check us out.

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NAQP RTTY Effort a Success

The W4TA SPARC contest team set another club record this weekend. Eight operators were able to make 950 QSOs and 147 multipliers in 12 hours on four different bands for a total of 139,650 claimed points. Our previous record was 94,416 claimed points in July of 2012. Quite an improvement.

Special thanks to Ron, KP2N in organizing, preparing for and keeping the effort on track. Additionally for keeping the equipment humming (and making noise), and for his patience in mentoring the less experienced members of the team,

Additional thanks to Click for more

SPARC Contesters Set New Club Record!!!

Prior to this weekend, the highest score the SPARC Contesters managed in the CQ WPX RTTY contest was a commendable 4th place (U.S) in the Multi operator, Single transmitter category with a 2.3 million-point showing in 2009. That effort used the callsign AK4K with operators KP2N, N1XX, N2ESP, N4RI, VE3XD and W4CU. After this weekend, that club record is no more.


AK4K 2009 WPX RTTY Certificate
AK4K 2009 WPX RTTY Certificate

This weekend’s effort in the CQ WPX RTTY contest exceeded that score by a good margin. Operators for this weekend’s contest were Ron … Click for more

New page to show upcoming contesting efforts from club station

In order to let people know what club contesting activities are planned, there is now a page that members and guests can review. This will be updated with information about each contest and the planned schedule of operating. You can find this page in the menu on the left side of the club website as well as here. If there is other information you would like to see here, please email

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Sweepstakes Operators Needed

You are invited to join the SPARC Contesters as W4TA participates in the ARRL SSB Sweepstakes Sweepstakes Logocontest beginning this Saturday at 4:00PM. Sweepstakes is the oldest domestic amateur radio contest held, beginning in 1930.

We will gather around 1:00PM to reinstall our temporary 40M/80M dipole antenna, with operating activities starting at 4:00PM. The object of this contest is to exchange QSO information with other stations in the United States and Canada (including territories and possessions) using the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands. While the contest lasts … Click for more

W4TA back in Contest Mode…New Antennas Work Great

With the completion of the relocation of our Log Periodic antenna on our new tower and the erection of a temporary dipole for 40M/80M, W4TA is on the air. The tower puts the antennas up around 55 feet. And boy do they work well in combination with the Alpha 9500 amplifier. We inaugurated the antenna/amplifier combination in the CW Sweepstakes contest, the oldest contest in amateur radio. It was no effort to hold a frequency and it was fun to hear the pile ups focused on us.

Congratulations to all Click for more

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