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Posts published in “Club Station”

SPARC Field Day Results & Video

The 2024 SPARC Field Day was attended by 47 Hams, guests and visitors. Twenty two individuals operated and shared in reaching 1924 QSOs. The breakdown of QSOs was 800 on phone, 671 on CW and 453 on FT8. The Club’s total submitted score was 6,796 with 6096 points attributed to contacts and 700 bonus points for items such as media publicity, sending formal messages, copying the ARRL Field Day message, and site visits by an elected official. The picnic lunch/dinner event was enjoyed by all who attended. Over all, Field … Click for more

The SPARC Tower has a new Power Winch

The SPARC team finished the installation of the power winch on the club tower replacing the old hand crank.  Those who have cranked the tower up in the past using the old hand crank can appreciate the improvement.

Watch the video Here

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Cancelled: October SPARC Operating Event: Makrothen RTTY Contest

Unfortunately SPARC will not participate in theMakrothen RTTY event and the club station will not be open October 14 and 15

Makrothen RTTY  is a favorite operating event of SPARC and other RTTY operators because the score for a contact is the distance from you to the contact. Scores in the millions of points are routine. In fact, in 2017 SPARC placed Second World Wide with a score of 2,023,660. This year’s contest will take place October 14 & 15.




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SPARC Club Station Open to All Members and Visitors August 19.

SPARC will activate the club station for the National QSO Party SSB (NAQP SSB) contest on Saturday August 19. The contest begins at 2:00 pm and runs for 12 hours. Sign ups for operating have been completed. The station will be open to interested club members, hams, non-hams, family and friends to see the station in action, learn about contest operation, or help out. For additional information, contact Tom W4CU at

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SPARC’S next Operating Event will use Radio Teletype

Original RTTY
Classic Teletype Machine with paper output now replaced by computer program and screen

Radio teletype or RTTY is easy to learn and fun to use. The club will be entering the North American QSO Party RTTY event which starts at 2:00 pm Eastern on Saturday July 15 and runs for 12 hours. Like all our Operating Events this is open to all members. We will be entering in the Multioperator Two-Transmitter (M2) division so there will be operating time for everyone even trainees new to RTTY. Visitors are welcome.

The … Click for more

SPARC Field Day Video


The video covering most of the efforts by the SPARC operators was captured by 3 participants and put together in a short video on the SPARC YouTube channel.

Video Here

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