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Posts published in “Club Meetings”

SPARC Net Controllers Honored at May Meeting

At our May meeting, our net control operators were given certificates of appreciation.

Click photo to enlarge [AI4QP photo]
From left to right: Bob KC4SXO, Darell KV4HI, Tom AI4QP, Steve W4KET, Brad KM4LTG, Rick KK4WTE and Ron KK4KRC.

Not shown: Linda KI4RV, Dee N4GD, Leslie WA4EEZ and Bill WZ4GW.

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May 2017 Meeting Recap

This is our first recap of the meeting as part of the project to move information that would have been in the club newsletter to the website. This is a high-level recap to share the general topics discussed along with some info about the particular presentation for that evening. This is not to be mistaken for the official club meeting minutes. That is available in the Club Business section of the website. Links to other websites, etc that may be relevant to the presentation will also be included here.

  • Work
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N4NSS Gets Keyed Up

If you missed last Friday’s meeting, you missed a fine presentation by Kyle, N4NSS on his “sub-hobby” of collecting CW keys. The photos show Kyle in action at the SPARC meeting, as well as a close up of his collection. Click on title to display photos and click on a photo to enlarge it.

N4NSS describes his key collection
N4NSS’ Key Collection


Thanks for sharing your  collection with us.

Photos by AI4QP.


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Proposed By-Law Change to be Considered at April 7, 2017 Meeting

At the April 7, 2017 meeting, this motion was presented, seconded, discussed but voted down therefore the by-laws remain unchanged.

Pursuant to the notification rules, at the April 7th, 2017 meeting, SPARC will consider a By-Law change. This was introduced at the last meeting.

The proposed change is as follows:

Proposed to amend Article 5, Section 1 by adding

2. Prior to a vote of the membership authorizing a non emergency equipment expenditure >$200 the Secretary or party designated by the Secretary, shall make notice as to the … Click for more

Members Inducted Into A-1 Club

SPARC announces that three of its members have been inducted into the ARRL “A-1 Operator Club.” Nominated by Dave, KR4U and George, W1AAG, SPARC members Dee, N4GD; Tom, NY4I and Bob, N2ESP received framed A-1 Operator Club Member certificates and pins at the February club meeting.

L-R: N4GD Dee, NY4I Tom, N2ESP Bob
L-R: Dee, N4GD; Tom, NY4I; Bob, N2ESP

First organized in May 1933, the ARRL A-1 Operator Club has a proud history and occupies an important place in Amateur Radio tradition. Communications Manager Ed Handy, W1BDI, announced its formation with these words in July 1933 … Click for more

Antenna Modeling with EZNEC


The program for Friday, Nov 4, will be antenna modeling, building simple models and then comparing them to more complex antennas.  Ed, NZ1Q will demonstrate EZNEC software, which offers a free demo program that can be easily downloaded.   Ed will go through how to build an antenna model and read the resulting charts and graphs for a simple dipole, a two element beam and then as time permits, an Off Center Fed Dipole and other antennas., Radiation patterns, SWR, impedance matching and effects of grounds will be demonstrated. 

Be sure … Click for more

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