The March SPARC program introduced a new and interesting technology to the membership. Here is a summary by Charlie Snellgrove N4TBO.
NIMBUS Detection Technology to SPARC
The March SPARC program introduced a new and interesting technology to the membership. Here is a summary by Charlie Snellgrove N4TBO.
NIMBUS Detection Technology to SPARC
Technically, it’s still after the holidays, so….it’s time to party.
Thanks to efforts by Molly, KN4GFN, we have a place for our After the Holidays Party. We’ll be dining at Bob Evan’s Restaurant at 2410 66th Street (corner of Tyrone & 66th). The date is Sunday, March 18 at 4:00PM. Dress is casual and everyone will be responsible for their own bill.
A signup sheet will be available at Friday’s club meeting, or email Bob, N2ESP you plan to attend. Hope to see you there.
Home Brew Night was a big hit with the near 50 SPARC members who turned out. An informative evening with 7 presenters and 8 projects shown/explained to those present.
See the video clip of the presentations at:
“The Sun and HF Propagation” presentation by Lu W4LT, has been uploaded to the SPARC Resource Page under Ham Radio Resources. Look toward the bottom of the left-hand column on this website ( to view the presentation.
Many thanks to Lu for sharing his presentation with SPARC and his presentation at the last club meeting.
Radio Propagation presented by Lu Romero W4LT, member of TARC.
Propagation is important to all of us especially in this low sun spot period. Understanding more about propagation on all bands help us make contacts regardless of mode or frequency.
The presentation includes angle of radiation, ionospheric layers, ground reflection, solar radiation effects, 2m ducting, sun spots, x-ray flux, ground wave and sky wave, multi path, 6m sporadic E, gray line, long path and more.
Lou has given this presentation at TARC and was well received. He is an entertaining … Click for more