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Posts published in “Club Meetings”

New Meeting Location

Starting on November 2nd (with the exception of this December’s meeting) the SPARC monthly meetings will be held the first Friday of every month in Hobson Fellowship Hall at the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church. The church is located on the northwest corner of 5th Avenue North and 49th Street in St. Petersburg. Please park in the large lot at the rear of the church, which is accessible from 6th Avenue North. Enter through the doors labeled “Hobson Fellowship Hall.”

Our thanks to Johnnie W4TSP … Click for more

Video of “Lightning and Amateur Radio” presentation is posted.

The video of last weeks SPARC presentation about Lightning and Amateur Radio is now available on our resource page at

Many thanks to Glenn, N4GRC for doing the presentation and to Billy, KN4LUZ for creating the video.

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Recent Presentations added to the SPARC Resource Page

To access any of the SPARC past presentations go to the Resource Page on

This page has recent presentations and other information files.  Just added is a link to Ron’s presentation on Heathkit and Glenn’s presentation on Grounding.

On the main page look in the lower left column for the SPARC Resource page as shown below.

Also, bookmark the  SPARC  YouTube  page for other videos.

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SPARC Program for October 5th Meeting

At the October 5 meeting, Glenn, N4GRC will tell us how he designed and installed his shack ground system and how he planned out his perimeter ground loop.

The October meeting on the 5th will be at DMI Research in the usual meeting room. Stay tuned for future meetings that will be in a new location. Meeting starts at 7:30 PM.

You may remember Glenn from the dynamic Wi-Fi presentation and demo he gave to SPARC last year.  For this talk his grounding presentation pictures show how Glenn constructed his … Click for more

SPARC on the Move

SPARC has been asked to relocate their station to another room in the same  building. Our station engineering team consisting of John KI4UIP and Dave KR4U has worked out a plan to move our equipment, furniture, power, internet and antenna wiring to the new station location.

Our old shack


On Saturday 9/15, the furniture and equipment was relocated to the new room. Additionally, all the equipment previously stored in the back room was also moved. In addition to John and Dave, thanks to Ron KP2N, Rich AA2MF, Tom NY4I, Click for more

“My time at Heathkit” Ron, KP2N

If you could not get to the last club meeting, Sept 7, don’t miss this video clip of Ron, KP2N telling us about his time at Heathkit.   Ron shares Heathkit history, the people, the products and personal stories.  If you have ever used/built Heathkit gear, don’t miss this video.

“My Time at Heathkit”




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