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Posts published in “Club Meetings”

Plan now for Home Brew Night in March

Yes, it is that time of year again.  Get your Home Brew project ready for the March 1 club meeting.  This year HB Night will be in March (the Feb club program will be announced soon).

SPARC’s usual “HB Show & Tell” includes projects that may range from your own design to modifications or unique interconnections.  Anything ham related is acceptable and could include antennas, rigs, software, feedlines, shack power, remote operating, boat-anchors and more. See the clip below for more ideas.

Last year we had 7 … Click for more

SPARC Program, Friday, Jan 4: Antenna Analyzer demonstration

The SPARC meeting program will demonstrate the most useful measurement modes including SWR, Resonance, Antenna Tuning, Coax loss and others uses. We’ll have the popular MFJ analyzer for the demo. If you have another brand that has other interesting features, bring it along.

Join us at our new meeting place, 5th Ave Baptist Church in St Pete, 7:30 PM.. See directions elsewhere on this web site.

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Nov 2 club meeting pictures & video presentation posted

The November meeting at SPARC’s new meeting place (Hobson Fellowship Hall at the Fifth Ave Baptist Church) was attended by over 40 members and guests.  Billy, KN4LUZ captured the presentation on video and took a number of still photos.  These have been posted on the Resource Page.  Check out the pictures from the meeting, you will see a lot of familiar faces.

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FT8 Nov meeting program file posted

The presentation and QSO video clip has been posted on, resource page.  Check the presentation file for the links that were discussed during the presentation.  The sample QSO demo is also there.

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After the Holidays Party

Santa Working Talk In

Thanks to efforts by Rich AA2MF, we will again expand our collective culinary diversity at our annual After the Holidays Party. We’ll be dining Italian at the Brooklyn Pizza company located at 10785 Park Blvd in Seminole. The festivities will start at 3:00PM on Sunday, January 13, 2019. Members will order off the menu, and are responsible for their own bill. Rumor has it that Santa may stop by on his way to his timeshare on St. Pete Beach. Dress is casual. For those … Click for more

FT8 program at SPARC’s new meeting location Friday, Nov 2

FT8 will be presented at the Nov 2 SPARC meeting.  We’ll cover what it is, why it was created, what it’s used for and how to use/operate FT8.

The picture is an example of FT8 software, available for Free.  FT8 has captured a large portion of the data/digital modes being used today on HF.  There is always someone on FT8 on some band some where.  FT8 is a development based on earlier generations of WSJT modes such as JT-65 and JT-9.

FT-8 is now being used for DXpeditions (VP6D, Ducie … Click for more

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